Available in a variety of different colours, you can arrange your floors in different designs and patterns. An affordable way to decorate plain concrete, you can easily add a nice ambiance to your home or workspace with epoxy flooring. Item Epoxy Resin(A) Hardene...
Pigment pastes are available in five primary colours for slab stock viz - Blue, Orange, Red, Yellow, Violet, and Black. Customised specifications to make virtually any colours are available subject to minimum order quantities. Our epoxy coloring pigments are ...
Nanotechnology provides an advance way to solve the modern problems in modern world. The newly evolving technologies, more sustainable products and processes help us to lead a more eco friendly life. As researchers realized that a substance's physico—chemical properties like chemical reactivity, elect...
Ornamenting.-Painting may be carried out by coating the surface to be treated with oil varnish or other binding means and b1owing on ground coal slag or mixture of ground coal slag and zinc powder, with or without colours. Coal slag is defined as the mineral residue produced by the ...
The paper is a personal perspective on the design of metallic ultra-high temperature materials (UHTMs). Specifically, the alloy design “landscape” of metallic UHTMs was considered from the viewpoint of the alloy design methodology NICE. The concepts of