Supplying the entertainment industry's painters with quality paint, including Modern Masters brand, for 30+ years. We've got you covered in paint at Mark's.
4. Now for the fun part, the metallic paint. Be sure to mix it up really well. I shook mine and then stirred it with a paint stick. Add Modern Masters Extender for rolling. Do this in a bucket or right in the paint pan. This makes rolling a whole lot easier. It allows it to ...
It's never been easier to bring an upscale, modern look to your all your projects. Rust-Oleum® Universal® Metallic Spray Paint is a paint and primer in one that provides superior coverage and durability on any surface and at any angle-with the unmatched comfort of our patented trigger...
Modern Masters Bronze Kit Paint Brush Spray Bottle Note: I had to do all of the painting steps twice to get the bottom and top of the pumpkin. I’ve seen people stab the pumpkins with a bamboo skewer to be able to work on the entire pumpkin at once, but I didn’t want holes in ...