-Analysis:Metallic hydrides, which are formed by metals with hydrogen, can conduct heat and electricity, although not as efficiently as their parent metals. -Conclusion:This statement iscorrect. 4.Statement 4: Ionic hydrides are very good conductors of electricity in the solid state. ...
Classify the following hydrides as ionic (saline), covalent (molecular), or metallic. [{Image src='comp5958210790120863217.jpg' alt='comp' caption=''}] Each scenario describes the properties of a substance. Based on the properties determine if the substan...
Report/describe a use of metallic hydrides. Describe the characteristic properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. (a) What is transmutation? (b) Give two examples of transmutation. Describe a compound that demonstrates Boron's non-metallic behavior. (a) Define the term "transition". (b)...
Molecular hydrides due to their weak covalent bonding have very low melting and boiling points Like most non-metal compounds covalent hydrides are poor conductors of electricity They can be in a liquid state if their properties are adapted due to hydrogen bonding. Like in the case of water there...
Solids have specific properties that can help in their identification. Look into what solids are, then look at observing and measuring their physical properties. Related to this Question Explore our homework questions and answers library Search ...