While I can assume that recreating a MeshBuffer from scratch each frame would be possible but completely undesirable, and that there may be some clever tricks with pointers to update a MeshBuffer as needed, I would like to know if there is an established or optimal solution to this problem,...
{colocation_node don_nn/model_2/branch_hidden0/MatMul/ReadVariableOp}} was colocated with a group of nodes that required incompatible device '/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0'. All available devices [/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0, /job:localhost/replica:0/task...
2.1. Getting started with real hardware Insert an USB, determine its device (/dev/sdX) with: sudo lsblk sudo fdisk -l Pick the .img file that you wan to run and: sudo dd if=bios_hello_world.img of=/dev/sdX Then: insert the USB in a computer during boot, hit some special ...
Render to multiple offscreen images with SCNRenderer I am trying to extract some built-in and custom render passes from SceneKit, so that I can pass them into a metal pipeline and do some additional work with them. I have a metal viewport, and have instantiated a SCNRenderer so that I ...
Any updates of Metal working with SwiftUI this year? 1 comments 0 Copy Lucky7 answer Engineer Apple Jun ’20 For completeness, here is a standalone example that also creates its own MTKView. To use this view, call it in ContentView's body like so: Code Block swift var body: some ...
hot forming operations may first be performed on a work piece to achieve large amounts of shape change that would not be possible with cold forming due to strain hardening and limited ductility. Then the last process that completes the manufacture of the part is a cold working operation. This...
Another region is RAM, which is also mapped to a specific address. We can read and write any values to the RAM region.From STM32F429 datasheet, we can take a look at section 2.3.1 and learn that RAM region starts at address 0x20000000 and has size of 192KB. From section 2.4 we ...
The article starts with a discussion of the official environmental standards of soils in China, in terms of heavy metal contamination, and the extent of that contamination. Then, the article discusses the geographic distribution of soil contamination, and the food safety impact. The problem in ...
With the mission cancelled, the mask was going to be thrown away... but the guy at the CIA's tech division who created it pitched a fit... Snake: Why'd he do that? Major: He said it was too good to throw away. Snake: ... Major: According to him, that mask is a ...
I am trying to extract some built-in and custom render passes from SceneKit, so that I can pass them into a metal pipeline and do some additional work with them. I have a metal viewport, and have instantiated a SCNRenderer so that I can render a SCNScene using SceneKit to a texture ...