『METAL SLUG 1st & 2nd MISSION』同捆包(Double Pack) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HKD 110 55 My Nintendo黃金點數 可享『METAL SLUG』系列兩款人氣NEOGEO POCKET遊戲! 穿越戰場,完成任務! 來自NEOGEO POCKET COLOR的『METAL SLUG 1ST MISSION』(1999年發售)和『METAL SLUG 2ND MISSION』(2000年發售)以同捆包形式在...
名称: Metal Slug X 2-Pack 类型: 动作 开发商: SNK CORPORATION, Dotemu 发行商: SNK CORPORATION 发行日期: 2014 年 10 月 2 日 语言: 英语, 法语, 意大利语, 西班牙语 - 西班牙, 日语, 韩语, 简体中文 阅读相关新闻 单人 在线合作 同屏/分屏合作 Steam 成就 Steam 集换式卡牌 Steam 云 Steam...
合金弹头特派团 1 + 2 合集"METAL SLUG 1st & 2nd MISSION" Double Pack / メタルスラッグ ファースト&セカンドミッション ダブルパックMetal Slug 1st & 2nd Mission Double Pack SNK 2021-09-15 - . -- . - 简介 开发/发行 暂无评分- . -评论数不足- . - ...
Pack内容 ■METAL SLUG 系列原点!率领正规军马可与塔尔玛,驾驶着万能战车合金弹头去阻止叛乱军莫迪元帅的阴谋吧! ■METAL SLUG 2 除了马可与塔尔玛以外,新加入两位女性队员英里与菲奥。再次阻止复活了的莫迪元帅的阴谋吧! ■METAL SLUG X 以「METAL SLUG 2」为基础进行了各种调整。即使前作熟练的玩家也不能轻易完...
METAL SLUG DEFENSE - “Morden Army Pack” Vol.1 动作, 免费开玩 R$ 19,99 METAL SLUG DEFENSE - “Morden Army Pack” Vol.2 动作, 免费开玩 R$ 10,49 METAL SLUG DEFENSE - “Morden Army Pack” Vol.3 动作, 免费开玩 R$ 27,99 METAL SLUG DEFENSE - “Nonpartisan Army Pack” Vol.1 ...
"METAL SLUG", SNK’s emblematic 2D run-and-gun action shooting game series which still continues to fascinate millions of fans worldwide to this day for its intricate dot graphics, and simple and intuitive game controls, returns in a bundle featuring 4 o
"METAL SLUG", SNK’s emblematic 2D run-and-gun action shooting game series which still continues to fascinate millions of fans worldwide to this day for its intricate dot graphics, and simple and intuitive game controls, returns in a bundle featuring 4 o
"METAL SLUG", SNK’s emblematic 2D run-and-gun action shooting game series which still continues to fascinate millions of fans worldwide to this day for its intricate dot graphics, and simple and intuitive game controls, returns in a bundle featuring 4 o
"METAL SLUG 1st & 2nd MISSION" Double Pack Slide 1 of 7 Blood, Violence Nintendo Switch This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. From the hit action series METAL SLUG comes two popular titles on the NGPC for you to enjoy! Jump into battle and complete all the...