A rate-independent polycrystalline plasticity constitutive model considering self and latent hardening was developed. Next, a new orientation probability assignment method was proposed and the crystal orientations were assigned to Ft integration points, which represent crystals and can rotate individually. ...
意大利Metal Work气缸等气动元件美国DODGE轴承AREVA、AREVA断路器价格意大利Metal Work气缸等气动元件,意大利Metal Work气缸等气动元件厂家,意大利Metal Work气缸等气动元件价格[加粗] <P>美国DODGE公司始于1880年,至今已有130多年历史,是世界领先的传动设备和系统部件制<BR>造商,其生产的带座轴承被公认为行业内具有最高...
The two diastereoisomers C5H5Fe(CO)(CH2OCH3)P(C6H5)2N(CH3)R* (Ba, b), with R* = (S)·CH(CH3)(C6H5), differing only in the Fe configuration, have been obtained by photochemical reaction of C5H5Fe(CO)2CH2OCH3 with (S)-(+)-P(C6H5)2N(CH3)R*. The optically pure isomer 3 ...
Geomechanics abstract Underground excavations Mines Design of pillars in the shrinkage stoping of a South African gold mine:Kersten, R W OJ S Afr Inst Min MetallV84, N11, Nov 1984, P365–368 Author links open overlay panel https://doi.org/10.1016/0148-9062(85)92163-1Get rights and conten...
Kent D. AbneyLarry R. AvensScott A. KinkeadRobert J. HanrahanElsevier B.V.Journal of Alloys & CompoundsP.Gary Eller,Richard J.Kissane,Kent D.Abney,et al.Metal corrosion studies with the fluorosulphonic acid-anti-mony pentafluoride superacid system[J].J.Alloys Compd,2004,365(1-2):134-...
A combined PVD-/CVD-process was used to deposit Al interlayers with mixed interface to a-C:H coatings on Si (100) and steel substrates. The Al interlayers had a typical thickness of 100 nm to 1 m with a-C:H layers of 0.5 to 3 m thickness. As a reference some substrates were ...
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