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Type:Key Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a stealth game developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami Digital Entertainment. Directed the Metal Gear Solid series designer Hideo Kojima, Phantom Pain is the fifth ... Sellkeyfast ...
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Genre:Action Rating: (1616) System: Languages: *SubtitlesGerman*, English, French*, Italian*, Spanish*, Portuguese*, Japanese Delivery:Steam Key Publisher:Konami Flash10:10:10:35 £24.99-51%£12.28Add to Cart...
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Smokki Pelaajien arvostelut maailmanlaajuisesti 4.63Keskiarvo 4.63 tähteä viidestä (417 arvostelua) 417 arvostelua 84 % 6 % 4 % 1 % 6 % Pelin tiedot ja lakitiedot Smokki, jota Naked Snaken sanotaan käyttäneen operaatio Snake Eater...
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《Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain》
Select the Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain profile. Change Ambient Occlusion compatibility value to 0x00180000. Change Ambient Occlusion setting to High Quality. Change Ambient Occlusion usage to Enabled. Press "Apply Changes" in the top-right corner. Notes In-game AO needs to be disable...
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合金装备5:幻痛(M.. 小岛秀夫喜欢搞怪我们都知道,不过其微博日前发布了一组图片除了搞笑外,还曝光了《合金装备5:幻痛》的一个有趣的特点,那就是每个角色都是有捕捉演员的,当然也包括小岛秀夫,他穿着塑身衣打枪,很有战士的风范