合金装备系列的缩写为MGS,是METAL GEAR SOLID的缩写,后面的SOLID指的是其中一位主角,Solid Snake;同时也是“MEME(模因)、GENE(基因)、SCENE(时代)”的缩写,与小岛秀夫所定调的系列主题“基因操作”、“反战”、“反核武”互相辉映。模因类似生物学的基因,为文化的遗传因子。此名词出自理查德·道金斯的著...
然而岛哥哥在很多小细节上的巧思非常棒,好几处打破次元壁的对白让人觉得作为snake内心映射的“玩家”被反派彻底看穿;充分利用了Dualshock振动反馈的设计可以说是早期手柄“人机交互”的先驱,这些细节放到二十多年后还会让人会心一笑。期待后续的作品能带来更多惊喜。 2024-11-29 狩野顥 (黑河) 2024-10-20 ...
“Snake? Snake!? Snaaaake!” A new fan-made mod brings Konami’s legendary stealth action gameMetal Gear Solidto life on VR headsets. Well, parts of the game at least. Developed by Holydh, this well-crafted demo experience allows you to play through the first three parts of the original...
Metal Gear Solid is the first name that comes to mind for many people when thinking about stealth video games. The Metal Gear Solid series is a continuation of the Metal Gear series and began on the PlayStation 1. The main series games are developed by
The cut-scenes are worth seeing by any old metal gear fan. They are all added and re-directed and there are a lot of very exciting scenes (some are totally astounding). Some though are a little over the top, Snake spends a lot of his time flipping around in the air and doing "Matr...
OK, so the game is Metal Gear Solid, You take the role as Solid Snake a CIA operative hell bent to stop terrorists from launching a Nuclear Weapon on America and to destrory...METAL GEAR. Before I start this review I would like to say that I really enjoyed this game becuase I grew ...
https://youtu.be/hV4wY2rjAWY 原视频发布于2020年8月6日 放下过往,重新启程。一位美国玩家对合金装备系列的深刻理解,对现实的无奈和愤恨以及对自己内心的自白 敏感部分略有删减,有条件的观众可以去关注原作者Michael Saba
单论游戏性而言,Metal Gear Solid(后文称MGS1)仍然能够吊打20多年后的很多游戏,我们不得不感慨小岛秀夫的天才想法:各种奇奇怪怪的细节和彩蛋,比如用箱子伪装在卡车后,可以被敌人自动传送到箱子上标着的地点;就算你没有拿到关键道具,也有方法能够通过关卡,例如没有红外仪可以用香烟来识别红外线;不少于宫崎英高的...
Snake's Revenge NES(美版FC) (1990-04) 注:实际并非msx2潜龙谍影一代的续作,而是一代FC版的变体,小岛秀夫未经手,只在美欧FC上发行 金属齿轮2 索利德·斯内克 Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake MSX2 (1990-07-20) PS2 (2005-12-22,内置于《潜龙谍影3 生存》) ...
For the first time ever, Metal Gear Solid has received a trophy list through the Master Collection on PS4 and PS5. The game is not a remaster of any kind, it is just a straight port of the PS1 version of the game, so do not set your hopes too high for updated graphics or better...