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Important Notification The online services of the PlayStation4 version of METAL GEAR SOLID V GROUND ZEROES will be terminated by May 31, 2022 at 0600 UTC. The main game can still be played offline after the online service ends. Here comes the world po
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Metal Gear Solid (包括 VR Missions) 不同地區版本的遊戲可由追加下載取得。 [數位圖書] Metal Gear Solid: Screenplay Book Metal Gear Solid: Master Book Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2: Screenplay Book Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2: Master Book ...
合金装备索利德 Metal Gear Solid豆瓣评分:9.5 简介:潜龙谍影系列(英文:Metal Gear Solid、日文:メタルギアソリッド,中国大陆旧译“合金装备”,台湾与香港旧译“燃烧坦克”或“燃烧战车”,台湾于PS时期则改译为“特攻神谍”),由日本科乐美(KONAMI)公司发行、
Metal Gear Solid is the first name that comes to mind for many people when thinking about stealth video games. The Metal Gear Solid series is a continuation of the Metal Gear series and began on the PlayStation 1. The main series games are developed by
從早期的八位元奠基之作《Metal Gear》和《Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake》,到 PlayStation 和 PS2 的曠世巨作《Metal Gear Solid》、《Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty》以及《Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater》,玩家將在這款動作遊戲大禮包中體驗戰術潛行的演進、遊戲內的政治角力以及變化多端的複雜社會...
METAL GEAR..1.合金装备,世界上最富盛名的潜入类游戏(不是动作游戏。。。)2.该系列分为两个部分 分别是METAL GEAR(简称MG) METAL GEAR SOLID(简称MGS)前者有两部作品:METAL
A fix that adds custom internal resolutions (IE native 4K support), analog input, mod support and more to the original Metal Gear Solid within the Master Collection. 1.4MB 87 5.3k SAVEGAME MODDED - All items and weapons in beginning
在PlayStation官方網站探索《METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER》。查看宣傳影片、螢幕截圖和遊戲特色。玩家再度回到《METAL GEAR》的世界,享受前所未有的全新畫質、沉浸在潛行動作遊戲的聲光效果以及引人入勝的故事之中。