2. Launch the game 3. Activate (freeze) artemis codes you needed 4. Change value on selected artemis codes to value from drop-down list 5. Restart the game (reboot via RPCS3) 6. Load your save 7. Now the codes should work! Attachments Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots - ...
游戏名: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots ID: NPUB31633 地区: US 版本: 2.00 RPCS3...
Quick summary I have seen few users who had this problem, I thought it was with the data installation problem or the update Precompilation Bug, but my copy of the game is from the Legacy Collection, so I started to have this problem. Det...
【游戏光环DVD】MGS4 全剧情影像(合金装备索利德4:爱国者之枪 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots)发布人 自购自压游戏光环DVD 出品 MGS4 全剧情影像 2008年7月20日 全国上市逐行扫描高画质DVD 5碟套装优质中文可开关字幕 550分钟全剧情影像完整收录!完整任务简报+Codec对话+完整剧情影像+实际游戏过程...
合金装备4 - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots RPCS3整合资源 [attach]5942450[/attach] 使用最新版本RPCS3模拟,基本完美模拟。 自己花大量精力同步开发了CT表,支持各种自由修改,测试全部功能到通关! 整合资源包括RPCS3模拟器,游戏PKG,RAP文件,PS3系统,MGS4模拟相关补丁和设置,自创CT表,解压即玩!
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合金装备4 - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots RPCS3整合资源合金装备4 - Metal Gear ...