Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake MASTER COLLECTION Vol.1 BONUS CONTENT €59,99 Classificações METAL GEAR SOLID 3: Snake Eater - Master Collection Version PS4 & PS5 Classificações de jogadores globais 4.79Classificação média de 4.79 estrelas (de um máximo de cinco) ...
探索代表性軍事幹員Snake的故事起源,揭開METAL GEAR系列傳奇背後的陰謀。METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER以前所未有的全新畫面與音效,以及身歷其境的隱蔽動作體驗,帶著玩家再度回到METAL GEAR世界引人入勝的故事之中。 面對敵國正在秘密開發足以危害全體人類未來武器的威脅,菁英戰士必須在叢林求生的同時進行隱蔽行動,...
Snake Eater (metal gear solid 3 main theme)拉风的哔哩 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多2184 1 2:26 App 【改编·演奏】《奥日与黑暗森林》主题曲Light of Nibel,史诗力量交响版。一段蕴含着原始生命力的音乐!最好的游戏音乐之一。【幽暗单人乐团】 5836 2 4:57 App An Encounter Born ...
[合金装备:食蛇者] 你没有见过的全员大整容 [Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Pachinko vs Original HD] 4644 5 2:53 App Snake Eater (Live at Symphony Hall) 5.6万 56 1:48 App 【合金装备动画短片】TX55 Metal Gear VS 坦克部队 6344 7 2:59 App AI/赛马娘/待兼福来/SOVITS 合金装备 - Snak...
METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER liefert eine unvergleichliche neue Grafik, immersives Schleich-Action-Gameplay und Audio zu einer packenden Story, die Spieler einmal mehr in die Welt von Metal Gear einlädt. Gegnerische Nationen entwickeln heimlich Waffen, die die Zukunft der Menschheit gef...
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is the origin story of Naked Snake and his mentor The Boss and the fifth title in the METAL GEAR series. The game is set in a deep jungle environment. Snake must find his equipment and use various camouflage which allows the player to deceive the ene...
Discover the origin story of iconic military operative Snake and begin to unravel the plot of the legendary METAL GEAR series.
也收錄有限定數位版Screenplay Book與Master Book,詳細介紹 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 遊戲中的故事與角色。 [收錄遊戲] Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (HD Collection version) 不同地區版本的遊戲可由追加下載取得。 [數位圖書] Metal Gear Solid 3: Screenplay Book Metal Gear Solid 3: Master ...
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is the origin story of Naked Snake and his mentor The Boss and the fifth title in the METAL GEAR series.