METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION Vol.1 59,99 €+ Jeux inclus METAL GEAR SOLID - Master Collection VersionMETAL GEAR SOLID 2: Sons of Liberty - Master Collection VersionMETAL GEAR SOLID 3: Snake Eater - Master Collection VersionMETAL GEAR & METAL GEAR 2: Solid SnakeMETAL GEAR SOLID: MASTE...
It’s a standard action movie setup, but this is no movie – it’s Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, a 1990 stealth-action video game from Konami and madcap game designer Hideo Kojima. The sequel to the 1987 hit Metal Gear, the game again puts players in control of super commando Solid ...
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake 本作為 Metal Gear 系列作的第2部作品,奠定了系列作品中的基本遊戲機制,例如伏低躲避被敵人察知,刻意敲打牆壁引起注意,敵人會察覺 Snake 的腳步聲,以及掌握敵人視野與行動的雷達等等。 作中也描寫了BIG BOSS行動背後的動機,以及失去戰場的士兵命運,錯綜複雜的劇情也成為系列作品的代表性...
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake 本作为 Metal Gear 系列作的第2部作品,奠定了系列作品中的基本游戏机制,例如伏低躲避被敌人察知,刻意敲打墙壁引起注意,敌人会察觉 Snake 的脚步声,以及掌握敌人视野与行动的雷达等等。 作中也描写了BIG BOSS行动背后的动机,以及失去战场的士兵命运,错综复杂的剧情也成为系列作品的代表性...
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake: Directed by Hideo Kojima. Solid Snake has retired from FOX-HOUND, but is called back to active duty to infiltrate the heavily armed nation "Zanzibar Land" and rescue a kidnapped inventor.
Of the 143518 characters on Anime Characters Database, 3 are from the video game Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.
Solid Snake art in the MSX2 manual. Solid Snake art in the NES manual. Solid Snake profile art in the MSX2 manual. Solid Snake in the cover art for Metal Gear. Solid Snake transceiver portrait. Snake character sprites. Solid Snake sprite. Solid Snake rescues Gray Fox. Solid Snake listens...
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake This is the second title in the METAL GEAR series that establishes the basic mechanics of the series, such as crouching to avoid detection, intentionally attracting enemies by banging on walls, enemies reacting to Snake's footsteps, a radar to detect enemy locations,...
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops* (1970)Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (1974)Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (1975)Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (1984) Metal Gear (1995)Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (1999)Metal Gear Solid (The Twin Snakes) (2005)Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of ...
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