Even with the capability of present day resonance lidars to measure metal densities within single meteor trails, it has been difficult to prove any influence of meteors on the average metal layer. In contrast to approaches taken earlier, we discuss here the seasonal characteristics of potassium, ...
Photophoretic separation of metals and silicates: the formation of Mercury like planets and metal depletion in chondritesmeteorites, meteors, meteoroidsplanets and satellites: formationplanets and satellites: individual (Mercury, Kepler-10b, CoRoT-7b)...
But it occurs much more commonly in meteors and asteroids. Scientists believe the iridium-rich layer was formed when an asteroid struck the Earth's surface. They believe the event occurred 65 million years ago. This "iridium clue" is a key, therefore, to understanding how dinosaurs disappeared...
Within an error of approximately 20% the total mass of the iron projectile has been found inside the craters in W, Cu, and Al targets at velocities of 陇13 km/sec. The impact ionization has been studied for impact velocities of up to 40 km/sec and projectile masses of down to 1015g....
churches in north-west greece during the 16th century, such as the catholicon of Molivdoskepastos in Epirus (1521-1537), the catholicon of diliou monastery in ioannina (1543), the catholicon of Hosios nicanor in Zavorda of grevena (1542-1548) and the other one of Varlaam in Meteors (...
METEORSIn this study, the metal and sulfide compositions of 45 enstatite chondrites were analyzed to determine possible mineral-chemical trends correlated with the petrologic type. Data for 35 additional samples were taken from the literature. Considering the data from this huge number of different ...
Even with the capability of present day resonance lidars to measure metal densities within single meteor trails, it has been difficult to prove any influence of meteors on the average metal layer. In contrast to approaches taken earlier, we discuss here the seasonal characteristics of potassium, ...
far moreabundantin Earth’s crust. A very dilutegasof atomic sodium (about 1,000 atoms per cubic cm [about 16,000 atoms per cubic inch]) is produced in Earth’smesosphere(altitude about 90 km [60 miles]) by ablation ofmeteors. Subsequent reaction of sodium withozoneand atomicoxygenproduce...