The Metal Ingot is a projectile in Unturned that explodes on impact or is more commonly used as a crafting material. The Metal Ingot can be found on the Escalation map. Acquirement: The Metal Ingot can be acquired with crafting. Can be dropped by construction zombies. Blueprints: Input: ...
你可以帮助未转变者中文Wiki来 翻译它。 (请使用创意工坊中,由彼岸に散る桜上传的 游戏本体中文精翻汉化 模组为标准进行翻译。) 这篇文章需要改进。你可以帮助未转变者中文Wiki来 编辑它。 Functions like a Wooden Foundation, But is stronger.分类: 需要翻译 需要帮助 MetalApproved Websites未转变者中文...
你可以帮助未转变者中文Wiki来 编辑它。 Metal Shield Item Type: Barricade Equippable? Yes Stackable? Yes Weight: 0.2 kg/0.44 lbs Description: The Metal Shield is a barricade found in militia locations. It can also be obtained by crafting, using 4 scrap metal and 2 bolts on the ...