Permission - A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS. BAPrivacyManager - iOS 所有隐私权限封装,定位、蓝牙、通知、运动、日历、相册、相机等 14 种权限封装! Socket CocoaAsyncSocket - Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS. SocketRocket - A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client ...
I am building a MacOS desktop app ( that is using Metal compute to do real-time audio/DSP processing, as I have a problem that is highly parallelizable and too computationally expensive for the CPU. However it seems that the way in which I am using the GPU, even ...
Support uploading, download and delete files via browser. GCDWebServer - A modern and lightweight GCD based HTTP 1.1 server designed to be embedded in iOS, macOS & tvOS apps. CocoaHTTPServer - A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications....
After system generation, hardware and software flows can be initiated. For Nios II processor hardware development, you must: Integrate the Platform Designer system with the Intel® Quartus® Prime software project. Assign pin locations. Configure timing requirements and other ...
These challenges are ranging from differencing in acquiring raw materials, to the need of introducing changes into design philosophy (design for AM is free of some restrictions commonly “hard-wired” into traditional industrial design, but new methods introduce few of their own, specific restrictions...
NOTE:For MacOS, please consider building the software from source rather than using Homebrew on Mac, as the homebrew install isn't very consistent and may cause issues in the future. After you complete your installation Add your installation path directory to your system'sPATHenvironment variable ...
The new Mac Pro is a long-anticipated development for Apple's high end pro users, but it sure looks as if the company also created the machine for its own strategic benefit — specifically to help make its Metal API become a dominant standard for GPU-intensive software. That co...
When asked about external display support and whether an iPhone 15 Pro could handle gaming on a 4K monitor, GPU software senior director Jeremy Sandmel brought up how games can be rendered to one resolution but output to a different one for the display. "With technologies like MetalFX's upsc...
This tool is aimed at enterprises users, for enterprise deployment, when the person signing the app is different than the person(s) developing it. EasyResigny - A Mac tool for user to resign iOS App. Resign - OSX utility to resign the IPA files. FinderGo - 🐢 Open terminal quickly ...
Support uploading, download and delete files via browser. GCDWebServer - A modern and lightweight GCD based HTTP 1.1 server designed to be embedded in iOS, macOS & tvOS apps. CocoaHTTPServer - A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications....