Seit den 80ern zählen THE RODS zu einer der kultigsten Heavy Metal Bands, von Fans und Kritikern gleichermaßen gerne auch als „die amerikanischen Motörhead“ bezeichnet. Das Trio tourte unter anderem mit Größen wie Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne und Iron Maiden, und gemeinsam... #Metal<
Here, in our Onlineshop you find the complete merchandise of all of the DARKTUNES-Bands. Music lovers from every subgenre regarding the Metal and Gothic Scene – from Industrial to female fronted Symphonic Metal get their money worth. It doesn’t matter whether you are into DUST IN MIND, ...
The underlying mechanism of the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) in BaVS3 is investigated, using dynamical mean-field theory in combination with density functional theory. It is shown that correlation effects are responsible for a strong charge redistribution, which lowers the occupancy of the...
Short version for the TL;DR crowd. If you’re a KMFDM fan, just go buy Our Time Will Come. You won’t be disappointed. For those who […] Review: Chrysalide – Personal Revolution It’s really quite interesting. Two bands at the top of my music list right now are both French. One...
Die Gruppe vermische normalen mit technisch anspruchsvollem, geräuschvollem Metal und Grindcore-artigem Chaos. Waren es am Anfang vor allem Punkbands, erweiterte sich das Spektrum bald auch auf andere Genres, wie Jazz, Metal oder Reggae. ...
We also define the MIT temperature, TMIT, as the temperature at which dρ/dT = 0. Films 3.5 u.c and thicker remain metallic down to the lowest temperature, while thinner films display an MIT in our temperature range, except for the 1 and 1.5 u.c. films which remain insulating ...
The interplay of on-site Coulomb interaction, the magnetic-exchange interaction, and the Jahn-Teller-type tetragonal distortion plays an essential role in driving the MIT of K2V8O16, inducing the the charge ordering (CO) and orbital ordering of V t2g bands. The CO of V3+ and V4+ occurs ...
Changes of the electronic structure at the MIT are discussed in relation to the structural transformations occurring simultaneously. The analysis is based on a unified point of view of the crystal structures of V6O11, VO2, and V2O3. This allows to group the electronic bands into states beha...
Electronic flat-band materials host quantum states characterized by a quenched kinetic energy. These flat bands are often conducive to enhanced electron correlation effects and emergent quantum phases of matter1. Long studied in theoretical models2–4, t