I will say this, on one hand, there are some really solid songs here, “Like the Beating Of A Heart” is the band’s best single in ages and “Paloma” is a rather creative take on power balladry (deep pulls from Foreigner’s brand of AOR here) — but on the other hand, I fee...
To help you choose, it may help to first take a minute to learn how a wah pedal works. At its core, it is a type of sound filter that accentuates certain frequencies while downplaying others. Not so different in principle to what you might find in a simple tone control on a pedal o...
Lovebites is a band I've never heard of before. A word to the wise - for every band, not just them - if you don't feel comfortable in front of camera, you don't need to do performance videos. There's no rule saying you'd have to. I really hate the overtuned prod...
When it comes to KISS, metalheads normally reserve the band's disco years as their most hated of the band's material. But at the dawn of the 1980s — right as KISS were about to put themselves back on the rock track — they lost original drummer Peter Criss and releasedUnmasked, an ...
” For as much bravado the band has about experimentation, and as welcome as that experimentation is, sometimes you just want a tasty banger to chew on and this track delivers just that. Even though Corey has appeared to be happier than he’s ever been the last year or two, rage is ...
But when the band introduced their new lead vocalist Will Ramos with the pulverizing "To the Hellfire" this summer, the performer's throaty gutturals and the blistering sonics surrounding them garnered enough heat to make the song a popular meme on the video-sharing app TikTok. Heavy metal ...
We’ve officially entered the dark ages of nu-metal. One bright spot, though, was Static X’sCannibal, which turned up the band’s heaviness in a big way. Wayne mostly screams through the entire record over the massive riffs, which sound like they were written by some evil computer raise...
Sounds exactly like the legal version that people paid for except I had to type the names of the songs in (which was a serious inconvenience) Twelve. Angel of Rotting Succubus Infected With The Worms of Evil by Some Band That Sounds Like Slayer ...
“A Little Bit Off” provides the first break in the record, stripping back to a more acoustic-based confessional on the singer’s mental well being.F8is one of the band’s deepest records in terms of quality, with the brutal “Bottom of the Top” and the somber “Darkness Settles In...
Typically, it involves topics such as loneliness, introversion, social ostracization, self-harm and unrequited love, and the subculture – which isn’t a cult, mind you – is also known for wearing skinny jeans, tight T-shirts (with band names), studded belts, A-line or Bob haircuts ...