Stress-strain curves relating to a low-alloy steel in sodium and argon at 200°C and 300°C, at 10−6 s−1 [3]. Chemical incidents (e.g., water or air leaks) may increase impurity concentration in liquid sodium and may lead to cracking, but it is not a LME phenomenon. Sodium...
Thus, to elucidate the formation mechanism of metal NCs and control their ensemble uniformity, it is crucial to understand how diverse metal species with different reactivity are involved in the overall NC formation process. Herein, we investigate the synthetic principle of thiolate-protected, water-...
Using Young's equation, the contact angle of a liquid droplet on a flat solid surface is calculated [33]: Sign in to download hi-res image Fig. 3. (a) Schematic diagram of chemical reaction with HCl vapor, and optical image of the surface-modified Galinstan droplet on a Teflon-coated ...
Gallium alloy liquid metals (Galinstan) possessing fluidity, electric conductivity, and low toxicity are attractive for use in flexible devices and microfluidic devices. However, the oxide skin of Galinstan in the atmosphere adheres to the microchannel surface, preventing the transportation of Galinstan ...
This equation can be used to estimate monomer and dimer concentrations during SEC–MALS experiments, using Kdimer values calculated from isothermal titration calorimetry experiments and [P] from the SEC–MALS trace. This equation can also be used to estimate the maximum possible Kdimer for LaIII-...
(6) = ZrF(6)(2)(-), MoO(2)F(4)(2)(-); py = pyridine), analogous to those of the previously reported [pyH](2)[Cu(py)(4)(NbOF(5))(2)], were synthesized by reaction of the metal oxides in (HF)(x)().pyridine/pyridine/water solutions (150 degrees C, autogeneous ...
For simple metal shapes (planar infinite surface and spherical particle) a version of the polarizable continuum model based on the integral equation formalism has been used, while an alternative methodology has been implemented to treat metal particles of arbitrary shape. In both cases, equations ...
calculations (without any assumptions) on the MHD rectangular-channel flow in the magnetic-field in- let-region.7) The calculations were carried out based on the continuity equation, the momentum equation and the Ohm law, and were solved for the velocities, the pressure and the electric ...
In the equation, \({d}_{(111)}(T\,)\) and \({d}_{(111)}^{{\rm{bulk}}}(T\,)\) are the lattice constants of the SrRuO3 film and the nonpolar bulk SrRuO3, respectively. \({d}_{(111)}^{{\rm{bulk}}}(T\,)\) linearly depends on temperature due to thermal expansion (...
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