sudo npm install -g @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli#Step 2: Ensure that Python 3.9+ is installed on your system. You can check this by using:python --version#Step 3: Clone the repository to your local machine, and install it.git clone pip install -...
#Step 1: Ensure that NPM is installed on your system. Then install mermaid-js. (If you don't have npm in your computer, please go to the Node.js offical website to install Node.js and then you will have npm tool in your computer.)npm--versionsudonpminstall-g...
#Step 1: Ensure that NPM is installed on your system. Then install mermaid-js. (If you don't have npm in your computer, please go to the Node.js offical website to install Node.js and then you will have npm tool in your computer.)npm --version sudo npm inst...
#Step 1: Ensure that NPM is installed on your system. Then install mermaid-js. (If you don't have npm in your computer, please go to the Node.js offical website to install Node.js and then you will have npm tool in your computer.) npm --version sudo npm in...
“MetaGPT( The Multi-Agent Framework):颠覆AI开发的革命性多智能体元编程框架” 一个多智能体元编程框架,给定一行需求,它可以返回产品文档、架构设计、任务列表和代码。这个项目提供了一种创新的方式来管理和执行项目,将需求转化为具体的文档和任务列表,使项目管理变得高效而智能。对于需要进行规划和协调的项目,这个...
“MetaGPT( The Multi-Agent Framework):颠覆AI开发的革命性多智能体元编程框架” 一个多智能体元编程框架,给定一行需求,它可以返回产品文档、架构设计、任务列表和代码。这个项目提供了一种创新的方式来管理和执行项目,将需求转化为具体的文档和任务列表,使项目管理变得高效而智能。对于需要进行规划和协调的项目,这个...
然而,面对复杂任务时,系统之间容易产生逻辑不一致,导致结果偏差。为了解决这一问题,来自DeepWisdom等研究机构的开发者,开源了一种创新的多智能体协作框架——MetaGPT。MetaGPT利用标准操作程序(SOP)对多智能体协作进行规范,从而显著提高了问题解决能力。 GitHub:GitHub - geekan/MetaGPT: The Multi-Agent Framework: ...
"MetaGPT( The Multi-Agent Framework):颠覆AI开发的革命性多智能体元编程框架" 一个多智能体元编程框架,给定一行需求,它可以返回产品文档、架构设计、任务列表和代码。这个项目提供了一种创新的方式来管理和执行项目,将需求转化为具体的文档和任务列表,使项目管理变得高效而智能。对于需要进行规划和协调的项目,这个框...
GitHub - geekan/MetaGPT: 🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework 开发使用文档MetaGPT Usage & Development Guide, 在线文档: 1.MetaGPT遇上元编程:重塑复杂多智能体协作的边界 论文链接: ...
GitHub - geekan/MetaGPT: 🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework 开发使用文档MetaGPT Usage & Development Guide, 在线文档: 1.MetaGPT遇上元编程:重塑复杂多智能体协作的边界 论文链接: ...