metadata type and inherits its fullname field. represents the metadata associated with an approval process. an approval process automates how records are approved in salesforce. an approval process specifies each step of approval, including who to request approval from and what to do at each ... 我们在之前的篇中简单描述了 custom metadata type的使用,最开始的 custom metadata type是来建议取代 list custom setting,好处是可以基于metadata进行部署,不用像custom setting基于数据方式,容易...
salesforce portfolio agentforce ai agents that take action for you best-in-class crm apps customer 360 for sales, service, and more unified customer data data cloud, integrations, analytics low code, customizable platform automations, prompts, models, code, and more foundations key customer 360 ... 我们在之前的篇中简单描述了 custom metadata type的使用,最开始的 custom metadata type是来建议取代 list custom setting,好处是可以基于metadata进行部署,不用像custom setting基于数据方式,容易...
我们都知道salesforce里面 custom setting的使用方法,不了解的小伙伴可以开启时空门:salesforce 零基础学习(四十)Custom Settings简单使用 custom setting好用是好用,但是理解起来可以理解成特殊的表,数据还是要维护的,所以针对不同的sandbox或者生产环境,可能会有一些 manual action来维护数据或者初期的导入。所以针对 list...
Salesforce学习笔记——自定义设置(Custom Setting)与自定义元数据类型(Custom Metadata Type)的对比 1、功能对比 了解了自定义设置与自定义元数据类型的使用方法和特点以后,我们来对两者做一下对比: 2、应用场景 我们在实际开发中,应该根据开发中的不同需求采用不同的设置。对比了自定义设置和自定义元数据类型的...
那我们之前在使用 custom metadata type特别烦人的地方是,我们需要通过搜索数据的方式来获取数据,使用方式很类似我们object的query。比如下面的demo 代码语言:javascript 复制 System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO,'*** Limits.getQueryRows(): '+Limits.getQueryRows());Country_Code__mdt countryCode=[SELECTId,MasterLa...
CAUSE Apex SOAP and REST metadata was enabled. SOLUTION 1. From Salesforce connector configuration, go to APEX" tab2. Change SOAP Metadata and REST Metadata values to "FALSE"3. To do the test connection and verify the Type values.Knowledge...
Vlocity Matching Keys are a Custom Metadata Type in Salesforce. Vlocity Matching Keys contain the following fields:NameAPI NameDescription Matching Key Fields MatchingKeyFields__c Comma Separated list of Field API Names that define Uniqueness Vlocity Matching Key Name Name Name of the Matching Key...
RestServiceAuthenticationType RestServiceLinkedService RestSink RestSource RetryPolicy RunFilterParameters RunQueryFilter RunQueryFilterOperand RunQueryFilterOperator RunQueryOrder RunQueryOrderBy RunQueryOrderByField SalesforceLinkedService SalesforceMarketingCloudLinkedService SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset Salesfo...