metadatamapping网络元数据映射;元数据影射;元数据管理 网络释义 1. 元数据映射 ...很好地区分了数据映射(Data Mapping)和元数据映射(Metadata Mapping),后者正是O/RM工具的依据,这种工具将数 …|基于62个网页 2. 元数据影射 元数据影射,Metadata... ... ) Metadata mapping 元数据影射 ) meta...
MetaData Mapping元数据映射 在MetaData中保存object-relation映射的详细信息. 以表格形式定义映射,并可由通用代码来处理映射. 运行机制 MetaData中的信息如何以运行时Code的形式表现. Code Generation 程序:输入是MetaData,输出是映射实现类的SourceCode. 在编译前在构建流程中自动生成. 应保证将它完全合并到构建流程中,且...
6.2 元数据格式映射 利用特定转换程序对不同元数据元格式进行转换,称为 元数据映射(Metadata Mapping/Crosswalking)。 目前已有大量的转换程序存在,供若干流行元数据格式之间的转化,例如 Dublin Core与USMARC; Dublin Core与EAD Dublin Core与GILS; GILS与MARC TEI Header与MARC FGDC与MARC 也可利用一种中介格式对同一...
Cognos object [or other informationDisplay name in InfoSphere Information Server Internal name in InfoSphere Information Server Where displayed in InfoSphere Information Server Mapping notes Folder BI folder BIFolder SA, RM, IGC Model BI model OLAPModel SA, RM, IGC The model is the root name...
The following describes the mapping of fields of the WS_ISSUED_TOKEN_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT to the above policy:The claimConstraints field is used to verify the set of claim type URIs that appear within the wsi:ClaimType element above. The issuerAddress field corresponds to the wsp...
Mapping MetadataUseThe OLE DB for OLAP specification defines a multi-dimensional schema. The BI OLE DB for OLAP providers support a subset of metadata objects that appear in this schema. Client applications can request metadata available in a system via the IDBSchemaRowset interface implemented by...
SAP BW terminology:InfoCubeandQuery The OLE DB for OLAP specification catalog concept is supported by BW. The schema rowset CATALOG is supported. The CATALOG column, which is filled in all other schema rowsets, specifies the name of the InfoProvider whose data is accessed. ...
Throughout this chapter, we will draw on the object model introduced inChapter 5,Metadata. We present that model again below. As we discuss various aspects of mapping metadata, we will zoom in on specific areas of the model and show how we map the object layer to the relational layer. ...
This cmdlet reads a Mapping object when a managed property mapping is created, updated, or deleted. SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataMapping represents a category of a mapping between a managed property and one or more crawled properties in the enterprise searc