dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions 擷取值,此值指出這個資料庫是否會忽略交易中的資料定義陳述式。 deletesAreDetected 擷取值,此值指出是否可呼叫 SQLServerResultSet 類別的 rowDeleted 方法來偵測可見資料列刪除。 doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs 擷取值,此值指出 getMaxRowSize 方法的傳回值是否包括 SQL ...
In SQL Server, the concurrent creation of temporary tables from many sessions can lead to tempdb metadata contention. Tempdb metadata contention does not affect the concurrent creation of table variables. When SQL Server creates temporary tables, it has to update metadata informat...
In earlier releases of SQL Server, a row is returned.SQL Copy CREATE PROCEDURE assumes_caller_can_access_metadata BEGIN SELECT name, object_id FROM sys.objects WHERE name = N'myTable'; END; GO To allow callers to view metadata, you can grant the callers VIEW DEFINITION permission or ...
VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE Lists one row for each column in a view including the base table of the column where possible VIEW_TABLE_USAGE Lists one row for each table used in a view VIEWS Lists one row for each view */ SQL Server Metadata Toolkit 2005 - 2014 ...
information for all databases. However, in SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 any user can still see information about all the databases even if the administrator hasn’t given the user approval, because the sysdatabases system table itself is unprotected. In those versions, any user can ...
Initializes a new instance of the SqlMetaData class with the specified column name, database name, owning schema, object name, and default server. This form of the constructor supports table-valued parameters by allowing you to specify if the column is unique in the table-valued parameter, the...
Retrieves whether this database stores tables in a local file.SyntaxCopy public boolean usesLocalFiles() Return Valuetrue if the database uses local files. Otherwise, false.ExceptionsSQLServerExceptionRemarksThis usesLocalFiles method is specified by the usesLocalFiles method in the java.sql...
简介:原文:SQL Server元数据损坏(metadata corruption)修复 在升级一个SQL Server 2000的数据库时,遇到了一致性错误,其中有几个错误是元数据损坏(metadata corruption),特意研究了一下这个案例,因为以前也零零散散的遇到过一些一致性相关错误,但是难得遇到元数据损坏的案例。
在sql server 页面指定数据库链接信息,点击【Execute】按钮即可。 属性说明 属性描述默认值 Host 地址 localhost Port 端口号 1433 DataBase 数据库名称 Username 用户名称 sa Password 密码 123456 Oracle 的使用方式 和上面类似。 在oracle 页面指定数据库链接信息,点击【Execute】按钮即可。 属性说明 属性描述默...
NSC_A8_member_department ID字段是bigint 类型 NSC_A8_renwufenjiecengjiywyid字段是varchar 类型 两个字段类型不同导致错误 修改NSC_A8_renwufenjiecengji ywyid数据类型后,解决报错问题 selectfield0001 ywybm,--业务员编码CAST(field0002asbigint) ywyID,--业务员名称field0003 zgbm,--主管编码field0004 zgm...