Chapter 5 lipids metabolism(血脂代谢).ppt,LIPIDS Water-insoluble substances that can be extracted from cells by nonpolar organic solvents Characteristics of fat Hydrophobic because of nonpolar FA chain Lipids store large amounts of energy 9 kcal/gram due
1、第第 七七 章章脂脂 质质 代代 谢谢Lipid MetabolismThe biochemistry and molecular biology department of CMU脂质的构成、功能及分析脂质的构成、功能及分析The composition, function and analysis of lipids第一节第一节 脂质脂质 (lipids) 是一类不溶于水而易溶是一类不溶于水而易溶于有机溶剂,并能为...
生物化学:Metabolism of Lipids Chapter7Metabolismof Lipids TheWonderfulWorldofFat Definitions Physical AgroupofcompoundsthataresolubleincertainorganicsolventssuchasEther,Benzene,andChloroform,andareinsolubleinwater Chemical Estersoffattyacidsandglycerolofsomeotheralcohol Classification ▪Triglycerides/Triacylglycerols(...
lipid metabolism_理学_高等教育_教育专区。Fatty acid metabolism Degradation Synthesis Lipids Digestion and absorption Fatty acid Phospholip Fatty acid metabolism Degradation Synthesis Lipids Digestion and absorption Fatty acid Phospholipids Disordering disease Degradation and synthesis Cholesterol steroids, and ...
1.Triglyceride,TG(Variablelipids):-Asstorageandtransportformofmetabolicfuel-Tokeepthebodytemperature-Fatsaresolids;oilsareliquids-Toprotectthevisceras 2.Lipoid(Basiclipids):Cholesterols,Phospholipids,Glycolipidsetal-Asstructuralcomponentsofbiologicalmembranes.-Cholesterolservestheprecursorofbilesaltandsteroid...
NAD+ Collects Electrons Released in Catabolism The substrates of catabolism—proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids—are good sources of chemical energy because the carbon atoms in these molecules are in a relatively reduced state. In the oxidative reactions of catabolism, reducing equivalents are released...
The primary movement of lipids between tissues occurs either as free fatty acids released by adipose tissue or in the form of lipoprotein carriers made primarily by the liver and gut (chylomicrons and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) for triglyceride (TG), and low density lipoprotein (LDL) ...
Chapter 微生物的代谢MetabolismofMicroorganisms Metabolism Catabolism Anabolism Energy yieldingnutrientsCarbohydratesFatsProteins Catabolism Energy poorendproductsCO2 H2O NH3 CellmacromoleculesProteins Polysaccharides Lipids Nucleicacids PrecursormoleculesAminoacids Sugars Fattyacids Nitrogenousbases Anabolism ATP Relationshipbe...