Relatively few cofactors have so far been demonstrated to be essential for the intracellular development of erythrocytic stages of malarial parasites. Besides 4-aminobenzoic acid, presumably required for the synthesis of folates, these are biotin and pantothenate. The pantothenate is not used directly ...
Cellular metabolism is an intricate network satisfying bioenergetic and biosynthesis requirements of cells. Relevant studies have been constantly making inroads in our understanding of pathophysiology, and inspiring development of therapeutics. As a crucial component of epigenetics at post-transcription level, ...
metabolism.type支持KEGG和REACTOME,其中KEGG包含83种代谢途径(官网写的85,但是实际上只有83),REACTOME包含82种代谢途径。 附上通路名称: KEGG 1Glycolysis/Gluconeogenesis2Citratecycle(TCA cycle)3Pentose phosphate pathway4Pentose and glucuronate interconversions5Fructose and mannose metabolism6Galactose metabolism7Ascor...
Despite the enormous complexity and interconnection of the metabolic network, a few core metabolites act as basic compounds or cofactors that direct major metabolic fluxes. For cellular maintenance, central carbon metabolism is directed at thecomplete oxidation of glucose into ATP(dark-blue dashed box)...