Just as it happens in vertebrates, Drosophila melanogaster regulates its levels of circulating carbohydrates, and stores excesses in the forms of glycogen and lipids, especially of triglycerides, in the fat body [13]. Another fruit of this recent surge in carbohydrate studies has been the ...
2.打开下载的pdf可以看到以下内容 Metabolism 往下看可以看到对应的table Table 从这里可以获取感兴趣的通路的ID PathwayID 3.根据以上的PathwayID获取pathway gene ID # Reactome 数据库能量代谢基因下载# R-MMU-71387-Metabolism of carbohydrates# R-MMU-148324-Inositol phosphate metabolism# R-MMU-556833-Metabolism...
bisporus. We correlated the expression of genes encoding plant and fungal polysaccharide modifying enzymes identified in the A. bisporus genome to the soluble carbohydrates and the composition of mycelium grown compost, casing layer and fruiting bodies. Conclusions The compost grown vegetative mycelium of...
THE breakdown of the carbohydrates found in the body, namely, glycogen and glucose, resulting in their final oxidation into carbon dioxide and water and the liberation of the energy stored in their molecules, takes place by stages, the details of which are still imperfectly known. It appears pr...
CARBOHYDRATES IN PKU 853 2. Aguilar-Parada, E., Eisentraut. A. M.. and Unger, R. H.: Pancreatic glucagon secretion in normal and diabetic subjects. Am. J. Med. Sci.. 257: 415 (1969). 3. Ambrose, J. A.: Fluorometric measurements of tyrosine in serum and plasma. Clin. Chem., ...
organdevelopment.Inwoodyplants, floweringrepresentsthemostenergy-consumingstepcrucialtoreproductivesuccess.Nevertheless,in thesespecies,thephotosynthesisperformedbyflowerssuppliesthecarbonrequiredforreproduction. Ingrapevine(Vitisvinifera),theinflorescencehasaspecificstatussincethisorganimports carbohydratesatthesametimeasit...
[Digestion and metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in the large intestine of omnivores]. [German]As a specialized agency of the United Nations, ICAO draws its legitimacy from the United Nations and any treaty or other agreement or arrangement that ICAO develops containing a global market based...
This book presents contributions from leading scientists in nutrition and physiology that highlight important new developments in interorgan and tissue-specific metabolism of protein and amino acids, lipids and fatty acids, and carbohydrates in monogastric and runinant species. Authors will describe the...
Because myocardial glycogen reserves are preferentially oxidized (36,38), and because adult females are less reliant on this pathway, a lower baseline reserve of glycogen is maintained compared with that seen in males. Furthermore, because me- tabolism of carbohydrates are a less efficient ...
Kluge, M.: Metabolism of carbohydrates and organic acids. Fortschr. Bot. 36 , 90–98 (1974)Kluge, M.: Metabolism of carbohydrates and organic acids. In: Progress in Botany (eds. H. Ellenberg, K. Esser, H. Merxmüller, E. Schnepf, H. Ziegler) Vol. 36, pp. 90–98. Berlin-...