The metabolic syndrome (MetS) has been well linked with coronary heart disease (CHD) in the general population, but studies have rarely explored their association among patients with stroke. We examine prevalence of MetS and its association with CHD in p
According to the diagnosis criteria of Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP-III)2, MetS is usually defined as the presence of three or more of the five common metabolic dysfunctions, i.e., elevated waist circumference (WC), elevated triglycerides (TG), reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HD...
R2X and R2Y show an explained variance in the matrix of data and class membership, respectively, and Q2 is the predictive capability of the model, which is commonly used to indicate the quality of the model. An excellent model always has the values of R2Y and Q2, which are close to ...
A related meta-analysis reported that the overall estimated prevalence of metabolic syndrome among military personnel was 8.0%, according to the National Cholesterol Education Programme Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III) criteria17. However, the evidence on the incidence of metabolic syndrome and...
Analysis using a pan-cancer cell line panel confirmed that the SCLC PKM1/PKM2 mRNA ratio was higher when compared with various other cancers (Figure S5E). The SCLC cell lines expressed substantial amount of PKM1 protein, while it varied in cell lines examined (Figures 5F and S5F). ...
The model would generate a workable combination of (C) adapted growth scenario, sampling procedure and a small cost-efficient set of metabolic markers which would be used for (D) validation on the full panel of genotypes or for a further selection program. For the purpose of estimating costs,...
Methods: A random sample of 824 male (56 +/- 11 years) and 1,199 female (58 +/- 10 years) subjects with metabolic syndrome [National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III)], but without diabetes mellitus or established cardiovascular disease, was selected ...
1 2 Metabolites Figure 1 | Heat maps demonstrating age-related changes in the metabolites in 3,009 FINRISK-97 women (upper panel) and 3,450 men (lower panel). One-year age groups are displayed on the y axis and individual metabolites on the x axis. Colours represent the divergence in ...
Metabolic syndrome was explained based on the National Cholesterol Education Programme-Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. Written informed consent was acquired from the candidates. Full medical history, and physical examinations including blood pressure assessment were done and venous blood samples were ...
(every included study is considered as n = 1); since this is no meta-analysis according to the PRISMA guidelines, it should be considered semi-quantitatively; due to the large variation in individual studies, this panel should be used as a reference only; further methodological details are ...