Hence, it does not need a metastable flipflop (FF) is proposed, which consists of an edge detector, detector. However, Razors I and II are used in a processor a caution window generator, and a caution detector along structure where the remedial action is performed using with a timing ...
For the statistical analyses, multilevel mixed〆ffects generalized linear models were used and the idák method was adopted in case of multiple testing. Results: The search strategy resulted in 1864 titles. After the screening procedure, 17 studies could be included and two unpublished datasets ...
TThhiiss iiss duuee to the arrangement of the molecular structure oof tthhe mmeetta-aramid ffiibbers aand tthhe eexxistence of a llarggee nnuummbber ooff hhyyddrrooggeenn bboonndds bbetween tthhee mmoolleeccuullaarr cchhaaiinnss.. TThhiiss rreessuulltt iiss ccoonnssiisstteenntt wwii...
effects of electric fields on lipid membranes, methods to determine the degree of electroporation, and some governing equations of the electroporation phenomenon. The objective of this review was to provide an overview of some aspects to
Abstract The dual task experimental paradigm is used to probe the attentional requirements of postural control. However, findings of dual task postural studies have been inconsistent with many studies even reporting improvement in postural stability during dual tasking and thus raising questions about cogn...
These regimes of spatial (a)synchrony explain a trade﹐ff between the regional retention of matter (ecosystem function) and metapopulation persistence. These results reveal how foundation species can cause local and catastrophic changes that can promote regional asynchrony and stability, even under ...