Please submit any patches against themeta-qt5layer by using the GitHub pull-request feature. Fork the repo, make a branch, do the work, rebase from upstream, create the pull request, yada-yada. Maintainers Martin 'JaMa' ...
qt5qt5Public Fork from gitorious to prepare patches for meta-qt5 git:// C2 qtwebengine-chromiumqtwebengine-chromiumPublic Fork of git:// to prepare patches for meta-qt5 ...
原有方式: fflua 中注册c++的类用如下方式: class base_t { public: base_t():v(789){} ...
static const char *qt_plugin_query_metadata_##PLUGINCLASSNAME() { return (const char *)qt_pluginMetaData; } \ const QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QStaticPlugin) qt_static_plugin_##PLUGINCLASSNAME() { \ QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QStaticPlugin) plugin = { qt_plugin_instance_##PLUGINCLASSNAME, qt_plugin_...
meta-qt5 has Yocto Project Compatible status since 2013. Check it at: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software wi...
武汉迈威通信股份有限公司/meta-qt5 代码Issues0Pull Requests0Wiki统计流水线 服务 我知道了,不再自动展开 加入Gitee 与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :) 免费加入 已有帐号?立即登录 master 克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global user.emai...
I have a nitrogen6x board and tried to build a qt5 enabled image.I used the master-next branch with kernel 3.10, added the meta-qt5 branch and an image recipe that included qt5 and several apps (taken from here Integrate Qt5 into yocto sato image on Wandboard ...
我能够执行 MACHINE=AM437X-EVM bitbakearago-base-tisdk-image命令、但当我尝试运行 MACHINE=AM437X-EVM bitbake meta-toolchain-qt5时、它会给我带来错误。 Sachin@sachin:~/APMTD/YOCTO/tisdk/build;machine=AM437X-EVM bitbake meta-toolchain-qt5 ...
virtual int __cdecl PopDialogManager::qt_metacast(enum QMetaObject::Call, int, void * *) virtual struct QMetaObject const * __cdecl PopDialogManager::metaObject(void) const static struct QMetaObject const PopDialogManager::staticMetaObject(?staticMetaObject) ...