dunfell cd poky/ git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-arm -b dunfell git clone https://github.com/openembedded/meta-openembedded.git -b dunfell git clone https://github.com/meta-qt5/meta-qt5.git -b dunfell git clone https://github.com/ArashEM/meta-mangopi.git -b dunfell cd ....
git clone https://github.com/ArashEM/meta-mangopi.git -b dunfell cd ../ ``` 2. Export template configuraiton path and initialize build envrionment ```bash export TEMPLATECONF=${TEMPLATECONF:-meta-mangopi/conf} source poky/oe-init-build-env mangopi-mq ``` 3. Start build process ```...
BSP yocto layer for mangopi-mq (T113-S3). Contribute to ArashEM/meta-mangopi development by creating an account on GitHub.
BSP yocto layer for mangopi-mq (T113-S3). Contribute to amir-shahrokhi/meta-mangopi development by creating an account on GitHub.
export TEMPLATECONF=${TEMPLATECONF:-meta-mangopi/conf} source poky/oe-init-build-env mangopi-mq ``` 3. Start build process ```bash bitbake qt5-image bitback -c do_populate_sdk qt5-image ``` 4. Flash `wic` image into your SD card ```bash sudo dd if=tmp/deploy/images/mangopi-mq...
exportTEMPLATECONF=${TEMPLATECONF:-meta-mangopi/conf}sourcepoky/oe-init-build-env mangopi-mq Start build process bitbake qt5-image bitbake -c do_populate_sdk qt5-image Flashwicimage into your SD card sudo dd if=tmp/deploy/images/mangopi-mq/qt5-image-mangopi-mq.wic of=/dev/sdX ...