Problems with meta-analyses are frequent: regressions are often nonlinear; effects are often multivariate rather than univariate; continuous data frequently have to be transformed into binary data for the purpose of comparability; bad studies may be included; coverage may be limited; data may not be...
and a Fail-safe N calculation using the Rosenthal Approach was performed. The rank correlation and regression tests did not reveal any funnel plot asymmetry. Also, even though one of the studies, when checked individually, is found to be not significant, when four of them are combined, the ...
但在进一步进行OPLS-DA分析之后,两组具有显著区别(Q2 0.964 and R2 0.803)且置换检验显示无过拟合现象。 运用Mummichog approach 对原始数据进行代谢通路的富集分析,其中发现HCs组和COVID-19组中有四条通路存在显著差异。 在探究新冠病人体内的代谢活动变化时,network 分析可以揭示协调代谢活动,作为代谢物簇在体内的分...
This article proposes a general exact meta-analysis approach for synthesizing inferences from multiple studies of discrete data. The approach combines the p-value functions (also known as significance functions) associated with the exact tests from individual studies. It encompasses a broad class of ex...
What is the overall effect of digital game-based STEM education on students' learning achievement? To answer this question, 33 studies with 36 effect sizes and 3894 participants were examined by using a meta-analysis approach. Under the random-effects model, this study reported an overall signific...
Copepods are the dominant members of the zooplankton community and the most abundant form of life. It is imperative to obtain insights into the copepod-associated bacteriobiomes (CAB) in order to identify specific bacterial taxa associated within a copep
18 The expectation was that this 2 meta-analysis approach would provide greater insight about our confidence in the conclusions derived from current and past meta-analyses.26 For instance, differences in overall treatment effects between these 2 meta-analyses would indicate that a high or unclear ...
(N = 1408 individuals) identified 220 Bonferroni significant CpGs, which were replicated in two further independent DNA methylation datasets. Our meta-analysis approach provides additional power to detect DNA methylomic variation associated with AD pathology at novel loci, in addition to providing ...
The identification of QTL involved in heterosis formation is one approach to unravel the not yet fully understood genetic basis of heterosis - the improved agronomic performance of hybrid F1 plants compared to their inbred parents. The identification of
Accordingly, this approach is some- times called the Hartung–Knapp–Sidik–Jonkman method [9]. It has been shown in simulations [7, 9, 10] that a test based on the Hartung–Knapp modifcation holds the prespecifed signifcance level much better than tests based on the classic fxed-e ect...