The meta-analysis was performed on an integrated dataset pertaining to DEGs in plant–pathogen interactions; about 20% of the genes with low expression levels were excluded to reduce the number of false positives in the samples. Each dataset was grouped into a stress class and a healthy class,...
In Ashford’s [28] study on African American women who had obtained Ph.Ds in a computing discipline, one of the participants recounted how a white male professor in her master’s program told her she was not “creative or intelligent enough to get a Ph.D.” but was “an excellent affir...
Peter Schaefer
[communications in computer and information science] information computing and applications volume 307 || a novel meta-heuristic for the multi-depot vehicle routing problemLiu, ChunfengWang, LeizhenYang, Aimin
The need for international research collaboration has thus become a common pattern in science. In this current landscape, countries face the problem of maintaining their competitiveness while cooperating with other countries to achieve relevant research outputs. In this international context, publications ...
Announcement of the awards of JSE Outstanding Papers优秀论文中国植物区系进化基因组学植物分类学英文期刊生物实验室APS系统动力学Song GeJun Wen植物分类学报:英文版
The variable TGHG is assigned a sign based on the direction of difference (if any) in GHGs flux due to the treatment group activity: a negative T indicates a decrease in GHGs with the treated activity; conversely, a positive T indicates an increase in GHGs. The index ranges from −1 ...
In patch-based semantic segmentation, classifiers are trained on image patches as a single label and make predictions in a similar fashion. A sliding window is used to extract patches from the input images as bounding boxes around the object, which are further forwarded to predict label [21,23...
The beacon node is a communication gateway capable of building an underwater network and pursuing the localization process [8,9]. The process of localization enables underwater communication, sensing and control of the whole network’s topology. All existing techniques based on base station ...
(OH)D levels, and others. Yet, there are several limitations to acknowledge. First, as an inherent limitation of the meta-analysis, any biases present within individual studies, which cannot be corrected by the meta-analysis, may compromise the validity of our results. In fact, due to the ...