Top Meta TFT Stats for TFT Set 13 Set 13 - Get all the Teamfight Tactics information & tools you need with MetaTFT
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tft meta这数..起因是老黑这次加强开技能回10%血,我就合计着能不能救一下外骨骼,delta+0.47,看样子基本上是雷,但我觉得不对劲,于是我看了下其他的:首先是皇子,在锁定【皇子带祖安转】的前提下,出现了一个奇怪
TFT Meta Report: Patch 14.1 — Twitch to the Top / While Patch 13.24 stuck around for an entire month over the holidays, Patch 14.1 brought some much-needed massive changes to theTeamfight Tacticsmetagame. With so many changes to the game, new comps, champions augments and more have pushed...
Other than the name change for patches, TFT brings in some much needed balance in the first patch of 2025
2026 年:iPad mini 将率先采用 8.4 英寸圆角混合 OLED 屏幕,MacBook Pro 系列将升级为 14.3 英寸和 16.3 英寸的氧化物 TFT 混合 OLED 显示屏; 2027 年:iPad Air 将推出 11 英寸和 13 英寸的混合 OLED 版本; 2028 年:iPad Pro 将继续使用混合 OLED 串联显示屏,MacBook Air 将采用 13.8 英寸和 15.5 英寸...
这寄吧tft met..知道tft meta是挺久了,刚无聊去晃了一圈,一开始看的津津有味:贪欲狼很强势,好吧有可能,毕竟是平均名次排名;第二稳的是阿克尚,有点小意外,但强度应该也还有,他猪妹身上挂了个转职,嗯5沙漠这么强吗
Chatting: Can the TL community beat the TFT meta? If you’re like me, Teamfight Tactics is fun because of the variety. There are always new units to 3-star, traits to fall in love with, and comps to complain about. Sure, it feels rewarding to climb and collect LP but the freshness...