2、定义页面的使用语言 这是meta标签最常见的功能,在制作网页时,我们在纯HTML代码下都会看到它,它起的作用是定义你网页的语言,当浏览者访问你的网页时,浏览器会自动识别并设置网页中的语言,如果你网页设置的是GB码,而浏览者没有安装GB码,这时网页只会呈现浏览者所设置的浏览器默认语言。同样的,如果该网页是英语,...
Style: The style tag contains CSS code to define how the HTML elements should appear on browsers. You must weigh the pros and cons of each when considering which tags to use. More code on your website can negatively affect load speed, preventing your website from loading as fast as possib...
继续学习一下前端的html语法--<META> <H1-6><UL><ol><LI>标签的使用: 一、<code>标签 它是某一类短语元素标签之一,其他还有:<em> <strong> <dfn> <samp> <kbd><var> <cite> 标签; 定义和用法 以下元素都是短语元素。虽然这些标签定义的文本大多会呈现出特殊的样式,但实际上,这些标签都拥有确切的语义。
meta标签是HTML中head头部的一个辅助性标签,它位于HTML文档头部的 head 和 title标记之间,[html5]移动端推荐使用的meta标签详解 Meta 标签 meta标签是HTML中head头部的一个辅助性标签,它位于HTML文档头部的<head>和<title>标记之间,它提供用户不可见的信息。虽然这部分信息用户不可见,但是其作用非常强大,特别是当今...
随着HTML5的流行和Web技术的不断演变,Meta标签队伍也越来越壮大,从Windows XP的IE6到如今Windows 7、Windows 8的IE9、IE10、IE11,对Html5的支持越来越好,html meta标签的功能作用也越来越强大。 首先,先说一下最初产生的一些常用meta标签。从Meta标签的定义说起。
Use the meta charset tag on all webpages; Use UTF-8 where possible; Use the correct syntax for your HTML version (see below). How to add a meta charset tag to your web page Paste the code below into the <head> section of your webpage: <meta charset="UTF-8"> If you’re using ...
Example Meta Tag Set: <title>Unique Relevant Keyword Rich Page Title</title> <meta name="language" content="en-us" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="description" content="An accurate keyword rich description of this page" /> ...
First of all, you have to understand what Meta Tag is. The Meta Tags are some hidden parts of your HTML5 page which have the function to inform the browser about metadatas. They are very important for your web browser. Witch this you can just show the browser how to deal and how to...
Do not add the following tags:<html> <head> <body>. The following codes are not accepted, as Wix automatically generates these tags for you. It is not possible to add a duplicate tag for: Title tag and meta description Google Analytics Open Graph: og:title, og:type, og.url. Robots...
没有特定规定。不过我至少有一条建议:确保<meta charset=encoding>放在最前,让浏览器尽早获得字符编码...