In the 1990s–2000s,metatook special root in online gaming communities when discussing the most successful strategies, characters, or weapons. While some claim thismetais an acronym forMostEffectiveTacticAvailable(afolk etymology), it is short formetagaming, using knowledge about the game itself to...
Meta Meaning: The term is used in many instances. The word means beyond, after, or behind. Check the meaning and usage of the term.
说明:description用来告诉搜索引擎你的网站主要内容。 举例:<metaname="description"content="Thispageisaboutthemeaningofscience,education,culture."> C、robots(机器人向导) 说明:robots用来告诉搜索机器人哪些页面需要索引,哪些页面不需要索引。 content的参数有all,none,index,noindex,follow,nofollow。默认是all。 举...
举例:<metaname="description"content="Thispageisaboutthemeaningofscience,education,culture."> C、robots(机器人向导) 说明:robots用来告诉搜索机器人哪些页面需要索引,哪些页面不需要索引。 content的参数有all,none,index,noindex,follow,nofollow。默认是all。 举例:<metaname="robots"content="none"> D、author...
网页中meta标签是网页html中一个辅助标签,一般在网页html代码的头部,META标签用来描述一个HTML网页文档的属性,例如作者、日期和时间、网页描述、关键词、页面刷新等。 这些信息在网页上是看不到的,需要查看html源文件才能看到,对SEO有点作用。 meta标签共有两个属性,它们分别是http-equiv属性和name属性,不同的属性又...
Define Meta-level. Meta-level synonyms, Meta-level pronunciation, Meta-level translation, English dictionary definition of Meta-level. changed Examples of words with the root meta-: metamorphosis Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright
means Domain record changes are quick and easy with a 0TTL. The DIS doesn't share any domains or rules with the Web's Domain system meaning domain names don't carry over. The UW also permits emoji domains as well as single name domains. Reserved named domains are domains consisting of ...
Now each project gets its own cache file in the root of the project’s directory. (named.projectile-cache.eldby default)2I’ve opted for this approach over something like.emacs.d/cache, as it avoids the need to hash the project paths. (so cache files could be mapped to project root ...
举例:<metaname="author"content="root,"> 2、http-equiv属性 http-equiv顾名思义,相当于http的文件头作用,它可以向浏览器传回一些有用的信息,以帮助正确和精确地显示网页内容,与之对应的属性值为content,content中的内容其实就是各个参数的变量值。
举例: <meta name="author" content="root,"> 2、http-equiv 属性 http-equiv顾名思义, 相当于 http 的文件头作用, 它可以向浏览器传回一些有用的信息,以帮助正确和精确地显示网页内容,与之对应的属性值为 content,content中的内容其实就是各个参数的变量值。 meta标签的http-equiv属性语法格式是: <meta ht...