New TEC Meta Quest 2 (Oculus) 256GB Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality(VR) Headset Meta Quest 3 Elite Strap with VR Head Strap with Built-in Battery for Meta Quest, 3 Headsets $12900 current price $129.00 Meta Quest 3 Elite Strap with VR Head Strap with Built-in Battery for Meta Qu...
The primary competition for the Apple Vision Pro comes from the Meta Quest Pro, another high-end VR/AR headset. These two devices are vying for dominance in the market of premium mixed-reality headsets. Is Apple Vision Pro better than Google?
Meta has sold nearly 20 million Quest headsets to date, Mark Rabkin, the company’s vice president for VR, told employees during the presentation. Quest 3 Meta的旗舰产品Quest 3将于今年晚些时候推出, Quest 3 将比 400 美元的 Quest 2 薄两倍,功能至少增加一倍,价格略高于 Quest 2。聚焦混合现实 ...
首先,Meta 正式发布了备受期待的 Quest 3S VR 头显。这款设备售价 299 美元,外观设计融合了 Quest 2 和 Quest 3 的特点。 尽管其价格几乎是 Quest 3 的一半,但 Quest 3S 的性能和功能却很接近姊妹产品。 Quest 3S 搭载了与 Quest 3 相同的高通骁龙 XR2 Gen 2 芯片,这意味着,用户可以在两款设备上体验...
Welcome to SideQuest, the ultimate VR discovery platform and home to VRs greatest hits, indie gems, sideloadonly and earlyaccess VR content—and much more. SideQuest is also packed with tools and tips to help you get the most out of your VR headset. Inst
现在,Quest 3S 的预订已经开始,并将于 10 月 15 日正式发售。同时,Meta 将降价出售 Quest 3 头显。 值得注意的是,Meta 还宣布,将停止销售 Quest 2 和 Quest Pro,直到现有库存售罄。 除了VR 头显,扎克伯格还宣布了Ray-Ban Meta 智能眼镜的重大更新。
首先,Meta 正式发布了备受期待的 Quest 3S VR 头显。这款设备售价 299 美元,外观设计融合了 Quest 2 和 Quest 3 的特点。 尽管其价格几乎是 Quest 3 的一半,但 Quest 3S 的性能和功能却很接近姊妹产品。 Quest 3S 搭载了与 Quest 3 相同的高通骁龙 XR2 Gen 2 芯片,这意味着,用户可以在两款设备上体验...
The world of extended reality (XR) is continuously evolving, and two major players are set to revolutionize the industry with their latest offerings:Apple’s Vision ProandMeta’s Quest 3. These highly anticipated mixed-reality headsets promise to deliver immersive experiences that blend virtual and...
Meta Quest 3 Elite Strap with VR Head Strap with Built-in Battery for Meta Quest, 3 Headsets Best seller $12900 current price $129.00 Meta Quest 3 Elite Strap with VR Head Strap with Built-in Battery for Meta Quest, 3 Headsets
The Meta Quest series ranks among the most popular VR headsets ever - and originates from the acquisition of VR pioneer Oculus VR, which made virtual reality accessible to a broad user base for the first time with VR glasses such as the Oculus Rift. The Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest 3 we...