Download Oculus - Meta Quest for PC for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✔ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Latest Version 2025.
I have been trying to get Meta Quest Remote Desktop to work for my windows 10 pc for a while now and noticed many people seem to have the same problem as me but no solution. I currently can get it to work on my Microsoft Surface Pro 7 on windows 11 but really want it to work o...
The Oculus desktop application allows you tomonitor Oculus devicesand evencustomize VR settings. With its browsing and managing capabilities, it eliminates the need for third-party applications. The app will prove itself worthwhile forOculus QuestandOculus Goowners as it will allow you to broadcast y...
(映维网Nweon 2024年03月09日)Winlator模拟器允许你在Android设备运行Windows应用和游戏。现在,基于Winlator模拟器的WinlatorXR模拟器将能允许你在Meta Quest运行Windows应用和游戏。 根据介绍,这个模拟器支持平面模式和VR模式,而且你可以在平面和虚拟现实模式之间切换。 在平面模式下,模拟摇杆充当鼠标光标,这使得控制比...
Meta 发布跨平台 XR 框架 “Ocean”,适用于 Quest、iOS、Windows 和 Linux 本周,继为其 Quest 头显产品组合建立开放式开发者框架的一系列举措之后,Meta 又发布了一个新的开源、跨平台框架 “Ocean”,用于创建计算机视觉和… 虚拟现实 2024年7月12日 行业资讯 Meta Quest 将从 8 月 5 日起停止 App Lab...
Meta方面表示,将拓展旗下操作系统Meta Horizon OS,使其未来开放给第三方硬件制造商,用于设计和生产他们自己的VR头显。 在外媒看来,这意味着Meta将不仅局限于销售自家Quest系列头显,还将效仿微软开放Windows操作系统给第三方PC制造商,希望给整个MR行业提供软件的支持。
In this guide, we’ll show you how to configure and set up yourQuest 3to play top PC VR titles either wirelessly via Air Link or with a wired USB connection. Once connected to your computer, an enormous arena of VR gaming possibilities opens up. Let’s dive in!
设备是Quest2。 启动应用后报错显示:Failed to initialize oculus vr session. Please make sure you have the latest oculus runtime, and that your headset is properly connected to your pc. 大概就是说Oculus VR启动失败,请确保你拥有最新版本的Oculus Runtime且你的设备已经正常连接到PC。 Oculus的Windows...
Right now, Meta sells the Quest line of headsets, but the company wants to provide the software for third-party VR and AR products in the future, much like Microsoft offers Windows for all manner of third-party PCs. Meta Horizon OS is the mixed reality operating system that Meta created ...
C:\OculusSetup-DownloadCache Restart your computer in a normal mode. Connect you computer to internet, Try to install again Oculus app fromour website. (to the letter.) As it stands I have a paper weight that cannot be used in conjunction with my new desktop, and yes this is...