Enhanced Gaming Experience: Gaming chairs can enhance your overall gaming experience by providing a comfortable and supportive seat that allows you to focus on the game, rather than discomfort or distraction. × Cookie Policy Cookies are used on this website to enhance user experience. Additionally,...
Bend Your Reality with Shattered — Out Now for Quest 3 and 3S Mark SmithDecember 4, 2024 Prepare to alter your reality with Shattered, a psychological thriller from PlaySide Studios, Australia’s largest independent game…
Make the most out of your Meta Quest 3 and Quest 2 with these top games and apps recommended by CNET's experts.
Searching for the best Quest 2 games? Here's our top 25 recommendations on Meta's older headset, updated for winter 2023.
Here's a list of everything releasing this month (and beyond) for the Oculus Quest 2 and Meta Quest 3.
传Meta Quest将提供月付费订阅服务Quest Pass (映维网Nweon2023年03月07日)Xbox和PC玩家或许不会对Game Pass感到陌生,这是一项月付畅玩完整游戏库的服务。以微软的Xbox Game Pass为例,用户每月缴纳一定数额的金钱,然后就可以畅玩收录至Xbox Game Pass游戏库中的所有游戏。
‘Ghosts of Tabor’ on Quest Into Black – $25 This is another strong single player game that just so happens to make everything more fun with the addition of four-player co-op, essentially replicating a lot of the action ofDeep Rock Galaticin VR. Mine the caves. Shoot the many-legged...
IT之家 4 月 23 日消息,Meta 向第三方硬件制造商开放其 MR 操作系统之外,还计划和微软公司合作,将推出灵感来自于 Xbox 的限量版 Meta Quest 头显设备。Meta Quest 2、3 和 Pro 头显已经于 2023 年 12 月通过 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 认证,为佩戴者和玩家带来了 Xbox Cloud Gaming 云游戏体验。Meta ...
由即日起,Meta的Quest 2、Quest 3和Quest Pro头戴式设备,只要安装最新的Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) 程序,就可以登录Xbox Game Pass Ultimate账号,通过流媒体的方式在Quest VR设备的虚拟大银幕中,玩到包括《Starfield》、《Halo Infinite》和《Forza Motorsport》等游戏大作。 除了要成为Xbox Game Pass Ultimate的用户...
查找vr中的好友,一起分享各种体验。 接收与vr中的好友、活动和最新内容有关的通知。 将vr应用远程安装到你的oculusrift或rifts。 预订直播活动、体育赛事和音乐会的虚拟席位。 游戏截图 <> 中文名:MetaQuest 包名:com.oculus.twilight MD5:374003BAAB8E385F02B5E6DDBC43D5FC...