Oculus - Meta Quest for PC is a driver and gaming utility, built to enable owners of Oculus headsets to use them on their Windows PCs.Since this application brings with it a wide array of background drivers and active services that have to be in function in order to enable the functioning...
Going for theofficial Meta Quest Link cableis the right thing to do here. But if you would rather opt for a cheaper, third-party solution, any USB 3.0 to USB-C cable rated for 5Gbps data connectivity can do a decent job. However, it is recommended that you go for longer active cable...
The Oculus desktop application allows you tomonitor Oculus devicesand evencustomize VR settings. With its browsing and managing capabilities, it eliminates the need for third-party applications. The app will prove itself worthwhile forOculus QuestandOculus Goowners as it will allow you to broadcast y...
SketchUp Viewer for Quest is a free viewing application for anyone with a Meta Quest headset. You can check out the sample projects we've included with the app or view any SketchUp models published or shared in your Trimble Connect account. You will need aSketchUp subscriptionto create your ...
以及 Application Spacewarp 和 Depth API 等优化,以增强性能和真实感。用户可以下载《Cryptic Cabinet》以及 Meta 其他混合现实应用《Discover》,两者都可以通过 App Lab 获得。如果开发者希望使用《Phanto for Unreal》在 Quest 上构建自己的混合现实体验,请在 GitHub 上查看该项目的完整源代码和资产。
Introducing the All-New 3DVista App for Meta Quest 3: Elevate Your VR Experience VR enthusiasts, the future of immersive virtual reality is here! We are thrilled to announce the release of the all-new 3DVista app for Meta Quest 3. This sleeker, higher-resolution device offers an expanded ...
Configure Meta Quest Link PC Application for OpenXR and Tracking Since the Meta Quest 3 connects using OpenXR, make sure to set Oculus as the active OpenXR runtime (note you can also run without OpenXR, but then will not have the passthrough feature). ...
(映维网2021年12月15日)Meta早前发布了Application SpaceWarp(AppSW)。这种面向开发者的优化技术可以为合适的内容释放额外的计算能力。在初始测试中,AppSW为应用提供了高达70%的额外计算,而且几乎没有可感知的瑕疵。 AppSW的关键拼图之一是由应用生成运动矢量和深度。这允许应用以半帧速率运行,而合成器则可以通过帧...
特别值得注意的是,Jian Zhang是App application Spacewarp的共同发明人——这是一种新的渲染技术,可以让Meta Quest 1和2中在运行VR游戏时提升高达70%的CPU和GPU功率。这充分说明了Jian Zhang对于Meta的VR业务有多么重要。MIXED认为,Jian Zhang在VR方面的专业知识对Pio来说将是“无价之宝”,特别是目前Pico正在...
Jian Zhang在VR硬件性能方面有过突破性的成就,是渲染技术Application Spacewarp的发明者之一,这项技术帮助Quest 的CPU 和GPU性能提高了70%。同样在7月底,Meta 取消了对Quest 2的价格补贴——Meta称,由于全球经济下滑导致制造和运输成本上升,从8月1日开始,所有型号的头显产品价格都将上调100美元。有评论认为,...