如果我们用了 Two Grab Transformer,需要将 Grabbable 脚本上的 Transfer On Second Selection 取消勾选,因为勾选上实现的是左右手交替抓取,无法支持两只手同时抓取。 如果想要让一个物体既能通过一只手抓取,也能用两只手同时操作,我们需要给 One Grab Transformer 和 Two Grab Transformer 都赋值: 在这里插入图片...
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Perpetrators usually use infected e-mail attachments to smuggle viruses onto computer systems that block access to systems and files or encrypt entire hard drives. With the help of this ransomware, criminals usually demand money to unlock the infected computer or decrypt the files. Rebooting systems...
首先需要配置好场景理解的功能,可以参考我之前写的这篇教程:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_46044366/article/details/135930423需要配置具有透视材质的 Plane Prefab 和 Volume Prefab 用来表示现实中的平面和 3D 物体。 接下来我们需要识别出现实中的门窗,这个可以在 Quest 的空间设置步骤中标出现实中的门窗,然后添加上...
VR Link Cable Compatible for Oculus Quest 2,USB 3.0 to Type C 5Gbps Data Transfer & 3A Safe Charging Cable for Meta Quest 2 VR Headset, Gaming PC, Steam VR - 10FT,Sleeved Black Be the first to review this product... Link Cable for Oculus Quest 2 VR Headset With the innovative 90 ...
รุ่นที่เข้ากันได้: สำหรับ meta Oculus Quest 2สำหรับ meta Quest Pro ข้อกำหนดเกี่ยวกับสัญญาณ: USB 3.2 Gen 1การส่งสัญญา...
Issues like this often are caused by other applications also hooking into a game, which sometimes may work fine and sometimes may cause a fatal conflict. Try to disable *everything* that potentially may hook into games. Especially any GPU/CPU tools, including all bloatware some PC or GPU ven...
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To what extent the plant may profit from microbial nitrogen fixation under these circumstances remains to be shown. It has been stated that endophytic bacteria may transfer 1387 The ISME Journal 1388 Metagenome Metaproteogenomics of the rice microbiota C Knief et al Group 4 Group 1 Group 2 ...
VR Link Cable Compatible for Oculus Quest 2,USB 3.0 to Type C 5Gbps Data Transfer & 3A Safe Charging Cable for Meta Quest 2 VR Headset, Gaming PC, Steam VR - 10FT,Sleeved Black Be the first to review this product... Link Cable for Oculus Quest 2 VR Headset With the innovative...