【长信科技:公司为Meta提供最新款VR Quest3显示模组】财联社12月5日电,长信科技近日在互动平台表示,公司为Meta提供最新款VR Quest3显示模组,也为国内VR巨头提供VR头显模组。同时,根据顶级客户的需求,加快扩产,并联合客户一起做好高世代VR产品的开发工作。
Meta Quest 3S (256GB) Bundle with Batman: Arkham Shadow $39913% off $349 If you don’t already own a VR headset, the 3S is a great entry point. It plays all the same games and offers the same mixed reality features as the Quest 3, only it’s slightly larger and uses lower-...
When testing the Quest 3 in my living room, there were several occasions when the MR capabilities made me raise my eyebrows: You can now map your guardian area -- the space that you designate as "safe to move around with a headset covering your eyes on" -- simply by walking around and...
全新Quest 3定于10月10号面市,128GB基础款定价500美元,较(上一代)Quest 2贵了200美元;内置512GB存储空间的Quest 3定价650美元。 公司认为Quest 3的定价十分合理,比1500美元的Quest Pro便宜得多,在MR混合现实方面却不输Quest Pro。 是的,Quest 3通过两颗外置RGB摄像头首度在普及型Quest产品线中实现了彩色MR,...
IT之家 10 月 15 日消息,Meta 公司近日推出了其最新的虚拟现实头戴式设备 Quest 3,为了探究这款设备的内部构造和维修难度,iFixit 团队对其进行了拆解。 Quest 3 相比于 Quest 2,最大的改变是其机身厚度薄了 40%,这得益于使用了 pancake 镜片,使得它们与显示屏之间的距离大大缩短。Quest 3 还配备了更大的电...
IT之家 10 月 25 日消息,Meta 公司最新推出的 Quest 3 头显拥有更强大的处理器和更高分辨率的显示屏。然而,这也导致了电池续航能力的下降,许多用户对此颇为不满。 为了解决这个问题,Meta 公司为 Quest 3 推出了该头显发售后的首次更新 ——Quest v59 更新,增加了一个省电模式,可以通过降低图形质量来延长使用...
, it's fantastic. But make sure to watch what they're playing by casting the screen to your phone with Meta's Quest phone app, and stay away from voice chat-based games to be safe unless they're directly connecting with friends. Also, make sure you keep a wide, clear play space!
With a pebble shape, which is resistant to fall, impact, dust and splash, and better protects your beloved Quest2. The C2 carrying case specially designed Compatible with Quest2 and BOBOVR M2 PRO has high compatibility and large storage space. ...
本周(5.29-6.4)热点:Meta Quest 3正式发布,售价499.99美元起;OPPO发布MR头显OPPO MR Glass开发者版;联想企业级VR一体机ThinkReality VRX已在部分地区推出;苹果MR头显屏幕规格曝光;VR版《刺客信条》定于今年登陆Meta Quest;Niantic推出以AI猫头鹰为特色的MR体验《Wol》等。
Bag For Quest 3 VR Headset Accessories For Meta Quest 3 Portable Travel Carrying Case Hard EVA Storage Box Bag Anti-shock and anti-pressure Storage without worry, with anti-impact, high flexibility, to protect the product from damage, firm not off the hand, comfortable hand feeling Convenient ...