We've selected the best Meta Quest games in every category: shooters, rhythm, exercise, puzzle, action, horror, and more!
八弟在家里的运动量,全部都被Quest 2承包了。 就算不打乒乓球,也会玩玩节奏光剑这些。 Quest 2是个好产品,也是八弟我今年买的最值的产品,还让我遇到了这个好游戏。 但是最后还是要打个预防针,Quest 2毕竟没有在国内上市,购买渠道是个问题,注册激活也是个问题,购买游戏还是个问题。 爽玩还是有门槛的,不过也...
开发人员和 VR 内容创建者一直在呼吁改进 Quest 2 的原生视频录制设置。Quest 2 的原生 1:1 视频录制非常适合 Meta 拥有的Facebook和 Instagram,但在其他平台上则不然。 默认情况下,Meta Quest 2(以前的 Oculus Quest 2)设置为录制并显示 1:1 的纵横比,分辨率为 1024p(在 1080p 时略低于高清)。要将这个...
本期节目,我们从少数派司宠@吃派的水獭手里拿到了一台Oculus(Meta)Quest2,用这台「天花板」级的VR设备再跟大家探寻一下「元宇宙」的奥秘。 除了会给大家演示应用外,我们还会聊聊大家所关心的佩戴体验、长期佩戴舒适度、手势识别等问题。如果你对 VR 世界充满好奇,或者在犹豫要不要购入一台 VR 设备,就千万不要...
Oculus Quest Desktop Software: Rendering Resolution 3712 x 1888 / 90Hz Virtual Desktop Streamer: v1.30.1 / VR Graphics Quality: Medium / 90Hz Headset: Meta Oculus Quest 2 Game Resolution (The Witcher, Nexus Mods Collection: “best experience LOREPLAY”): 2560 x 1600 (16:10), ~55FPS (se...
Quest 2手部追踪推出2.0版 Meta 今天宣布对 Quest 2 的无控制器手部跟踪功能进行“重大改进”。据说“重新设计的计算机视觉和机器学习方法”专门提高了重叠或快速移动的手和特定手势的可靠性。支持这些改进功能的 SDK 和操作系统更新将于今天开始推出。 Meta 于 2019 年底首次向原始 Quest 引入无控制器手部跟踪,直到...
The inclusion of full color passthrough is one of the coolest additions to the Meta Quest 3. It opens up some pretty great AR gaming opportunities. While the Quest 2 did have a passthrough option, it was displayed in pixelated grayscale and didn't really have a function other than to brie...
The Meta Quest Pro is a stunning device that is more wearable than its predecessor, the Quest 2. Credit: Elizabeth de Luna Meta Quest Pro The Meta Quest Pro is a high-quality virtual reality headset held back by a subpar operating system. Collaborative creatives who can spring for the ...
Editors' note, March 21: Meta's Quest 2 headset has dropped in price yet again, hitting an unprecedented $199. That's by far the lowest-priced standalone VR headset we've ever seen. Meta may have a replacement to the Quest 2 on the immediate horizon, likely a budget version of...
iFixit 今天发布的拆解视频显示,Meta Quest 3S 的内部结构与 Quest 2 非常相似。两款头显都使用了相同的菲涅尔透镜,并且具有相同的瞳距调整机制。此外,它们还使用了相同的单块 LCD 面板,而不是像 Meta Quest 3 那样每只眼睛使用一块面板。 虽然Meta Quest 3S 与 Quest 2 共享了许多相同的组件,但其也有一些重要...