We've selected the best Meta Quest games in every category: shooters, rhythm, exercise, puzzle, action, horror, and more!
据外媒报道,目前最新的Oculus Quest 2是Meta主导虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)领域的旗舰VR头盔,采用...
It’s been two years since the launch of the Meta Quest 2 (formerly known as Oculus Quest 2). Since then, many new standaloneVRheadsets have emerged on the market. However, we have been using the headset for over a year, and it still holds up as the best VR standalone headset for ...
除了兼容现有的数千款应用和游戏外,Quest 3S还将获得一系列Quest 3独占之作,包括《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆之影》、《杀手3 VR:重装上阵》等。《阿斯加德之怒2》、《红色物质2》和《行尸走肉:圣徒与罪人》等获得Quest 3特定性能更新的AAA游戏也将在Quest 3S上运行,这意味着你将受益于相同的升级视觉效果和更快的加载时间。
Carmack还提到《Horizon Workroom》目前需要解决的问题,他发现与Oculus Go相比,Quest 2的语音通话延迟更加严重(超过100毫秒),这是因为Quest 2同时在运行回声消除、DSP处理等其他任务。因此,接下来的目标是将语音延迟降低至50毫秒以下。 而通过解决这些细节问题,未来升级的相关技术还可以用在《Horizon World》等其他产品中...
Some of the best Meta Quest games won't cost you a dime upfront. We've got everything from battle royale shooters to MMORPGs, fishing games, and everything in-between for you to play.
The Oculus Quest offers a fantastic virtual reality experience without the need for a gaming PC. These are the best Oculus Quest games available right now.
But, yeah, you have to accept that this is Facebook's world (and that involves possibilities for future ads, too). While the Quest will soon allow account creation without using a Facebook login, it's still worth keeping in mind the Quest 2 isn't designed for kids, even though...
他透露了雷朋Stories的存在,也就是Meta和雷朋合作的第一款能拍照的智能眼镜。与此同时发生的,就是Meta宣布Quest2开放Passthrough API支持AR功能。 随后就是市面上大批量带有MR功能、物理世界透视功能的头显出现,雷朋Meta智能眼镜席卷社交媒体,苹果公布Vision Pro能实现真实/虚拟的丝滑无缝转换,AI火遍全球(包括Llama…...
Quest Pro,图/Meta 至于Quest 3,VR 用户还要等到明年秋天。Pancake 透镜、彩色透视这些 VR 设备的新技术大概率都会标配,此外还有关键的骁龙 XR2 Gen 2。根据目前流出的消息,XR2 Gen 2 至少在一个关键指标上就足够让人期待——支持单眼 4K。 但对Meta 和 Quest 来说,眼前都有更棘手的问题。WSJ 拿到的内部文...