connect your VR headset to a gaming-compatible computer (PC and cable sold separately). Let your friends and family into your VR world by casting your experience to compatible TVs and other screens. And anywhere you go in the real world, you can take your lightweight, portable Quest ...
8.俄罗斯方块:效应(Tetris Effect: Connected)这是一款经典的VR益智游戏,你需要将不同形状的方块拼接在一起,消除满行或满列。这款游戏有炫目的视觉效果和音乐,随着方块的移动和消除而变化。这款游戏有多种模式和主题,可以让你在VR中沉浸于俄罗斯方块的世界。9.攀岩2(The Climb 2)这是一款VR攀岩模拟游戏,...
Meta Store SupportStay connected with us on our Meta Quest Community! 40楼2024-11-26 18:37 收起回复 somnusmors 初级粉丝 1 最新邮件:感謝您聯絡 Meta Quest Store 支援。我們目前收到大量的相关詢問案件,因此回應時間比平常長,對此我們深表歉意。我們已檢查過您的詢問,目前我們的工作人員正在依序處理,還...
Horizon Workroom为元宇宙中的工作应用界面,用户可添加公司logo等做定制化场景布置,其公开测试版现可在Oculus Quest 2头显上使用,该应用为远程办公服务。Horizon Home为家庭空间应用界面,是用户登录元宇宙的初始场景,可做个性化装饰、邀请好友到访等。Horizon Home已经接入到了Horizon Worlds和Horizon Workrooms当中,并可...
I am using a MS Surface Pro X, connected to my Meta Quest 3 512gb running the Latest V72 PTC. I checked the compatibility and all looked good on install on both devices... DomdedomdomdomFeb 03, 2025Place Mixed Reality LinkMixed Reality Link 667Views 4likes 22Comments Is a Meta Busi...
A:Answer No, the Quest 2 is a standalone unit. It can be used on its own, completely independent of a PC. It can be connected to a PC with third-party tools, but it can work completely on its own. Answered 2 years ago by PrincessLillie Helpful (1)Unhelpful (0)Repo...
高端VR头显Project Cambria(预计2022年):在2021年10月29日的Facebook Connect 2021大会上,Meta发布了将于明年亮相的下一代一体式VR头显Project Cambria,其产品定位不是Quest 2的替代品,也不是Quest 3,而是一款价格更高的高端设备,将采用一系列的先进技术,包括优化的社交临场感、彩色透视、Pancake光学元件等。
Connect your Quest 2 headset to your gaming PC to access over 1,000 titles in the Meta Quest Rift library. Designed for VR, this ultra-fast, actively powered 16ft (5m) USB Type-C cable lets you enjoy the movement you love, even when youre connected. A fiber optic core keeps the ...
The Meta Quest 2 is an entry-level VR headset that can work as a stand-alone unit or connected to a PC. $250 at Amazon$250 at Best Buy Meta Quest 3 The Meta Quest 3 is the best consumer level VR headset around, with plenty of games, hand-tracking, and the ability to be used ...
高端VR头显Project Cambria(预计2022年):在2021年10月29日的Facebook Connect 2021大会上,Meta发布了将于明年亮相的下一代一体式VR头显Project Cambria,其产品定位不是Quest 2的替代品,也不是Quest 3,而是一款价格更高的高端设备,将采用一系列的先进技术,包括优化的社交临场感、彩色透视、Pancake光学元件等。