网页中meta标签是网页html中一个辅助标签,一般在网页html代码的头部,META标签用来描述一个HTML网页文档的属性,例如作者、日期和时间、网页描述、关键词、页面刷新等。 这些信息在网页上是看不到的,需要查看html源文件才能看到,对SEO有点作用。 meta标签共有两个属性,它们分别是http-equiv属性和name属性,不同的属性又...
标签常常被用来定义HTML文档的元数据或者HTTP协议的指向,这些元数据常用在SEO、HTML Pages or Apps on Mobile/Handheld Devices,该标签主要包括以下属性: AttributeDescription Name Name for the property. Can be anything. Examples include, keywords, description, author, revised, generator etc. content Specifies ...
<meta property="og:video:type"content="video/mp4"/> <meta property="og:video"content="http://example.com/fallback.vid"/> <meta property="og:video:type"content="text/html"/> <meta property="og:audio"content="http://example.com/amazing.mp3"/> <meta property="og:audio:title"content=...
<metaproperty="og:locale"content="en_US"/><metaproperty="og:type"content="article"/><metaproperty="og:title"content="Open Graph: Take Control of Your Snippets on Facebook"/><metaproperty="og:description"content="You do the same for SEO, right?"/><metaproperty="og:url"content="https:...
jellyfin电影元数据插件,影片信息只要从豆瓣获取,并由TheMovieDb补全缺失的剧集数据。 功能: 支持从豆瓣和TMDB获取元数据 兼容anime动画命名格式 安装插件 添加插件存储库: 国内加速:https://gitee.com/cwhzy/jellyfin-plugin-metashark/releases/download/manifest/manifest_cn.json ...
The value of this property in the JMAP Session "capabilities" property is an empty object. The value of this property in an account's "accountCapabilities" property is an object that MUST contain the following information on server capabilities and permissions for that account: maxAvailabilityDurati...
Thedescriptionproperty is normally used by search engines (or Google at least) when displaying your HTML document in search results. So is the value of thetitleelement, by the way. First thetitleis displayed, then thedescription. Theauthorproperty tell who the author of the HTML document is....
1d36f56 Add -Dmetals.input-box property, fixes #53. (@olafurpg) fee33e0 Add "cascade compile" and "cancel compile" tasks. (@olafurpg) 3470a79 Upgrade TS to 3.2.2 (@gabro) ff2f34a Make clientCommands more robust towards addition/removal of commands (@gabro) fecf7d4 Ensure all regist...
<metaproperty="og:site_name"content="European Travel, Inc."> Twitter suggests one othertag as well that is recommended, but not required: <metaname="twitter:image:alt"content="Alt text for image"> This provides an alternative image description for those who are visually impaired. ...
of the interpretation process on their intermediate outputs. Note that a different set of rules will define a different few-shot learning problem; this property is used to define many different few-shot learning problems for optimizing MLC. Although the situation does not arise for the study or ...