The mega-meta was slowly revealed throughout the year, as each of the 12 regular-season MMMM grids contained one clue pair, with the “FIN” rebus mechanism in the March MMMM making it possible to get 14 letters in 12 puzzles. The full list of clues is shown at the bottom of this ...
The grid contains five rebus squares, each containing a “V” in one direction, and a type of fight in the other: TIFF, SCRAP, ROW, WAR, and SPAT. The grid’s three central down entries, NHL, TIMEOUT, and SIT, provide an additional hint that the meta answer has something to do wi...
This article hopes to make a contribution to the growing body of work on the paradigmatic description of context of situation. Having considered the limited achievements of earlier work on context, I offer a fairly detailed account of what is entailed in
nec solum in his rebus sed etiam in pecoribus et armentis. haec non ita dissimiliter efficerentur, nisi proprietates singularum terrarum (umorum) generibus ad solis potestatem temperarentur. B UTOPIA CH META ÜOAYBION (TITOPIAI) 80 Diodor 1,1,3 "ETOiTa 7távTa? áví>pd)7iou?
We speak of products in two senses: in one, we speak of types of products, in the other we speak of the particular objects that are instances of those types. I argue that types of products have the same ontological status as that of material stuffs, like water and gold, which have a...
International Journal of the Classical Tradition - This brief survey of the context, structure and content of the De rusticis Brasiliae rebus (1781) highlights various aspects of Virgil's...doi:10.1007/s12138-022-00621-xMatovi, PetraUniversity of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia...
In this work, a mechanical approach for measuring SwS fruit texture was used to phenotype offspring derived from a cross between "Rebus028" (SwS texture) and "Max10" (M texture). Mechanical parameters were used in linkage mapping, allowing the identification of a major QTL on chromosome 8 (...