Crystal Beasts are very good at swarming the board, thanks toCrystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle;s effect.Crystal Radiancegives you good consistency (and a free Trap Card going second to help you play through interruptions). The deck has two issues at the moment: there's not really a agreed-on pl...
Odd-Eyes rise up to Tier 2.Raging Pendulumis good with its ability to net you three cards and set up theVoloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider+ Rank 4 plan that the deck is known for. They have a hard time going second into Rokket as they can cut you off from your Skill by r...
Master Duel guide, as well as ourYu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel secret packs listfor all the hidden gems you’ll need to unearth. Or, if all this Yu-Gi-Oh talk isn’t a heavy enough hit of nostalgia for you, browse our library ofNintendo Switch Online N64 gamesto transport yourself back in...
感觉碧蓝的模式很适合做自走棋 分享5992 炉石传说吧 競技場之王 【持续更新】Un'goro环境分析目前都公布了不少套路和卡牌,窃见吧友们的分析帖主要集中为单卡分析,针对套路和大环境的分析则较 分享4赞 游戏王masterduel吧 Sakura 推荐masterduelmate这个网站,可以帮萌新查哪些卡可以分解很多萌新卡认识的不多,不知道...
当然ever17的缺点也不容忽视,剧情的bug问题这边就不细说了,至少并没有影响我整体游玩体验,最主要的问题还是打越的老毛病那就是人物塑 分享144 游戏王masterduel吧 假🌟神奇的雷诺 OCG的十年,到底经历了什么? 转自road of the king 7124292 galgame吧 tom_ridder 素晴日已通,感觉自己入坑的顺序错了= = 怒求...
KCC Tier List Update Eren, As the KC Cup approaches we have entered a fairly diverse meta. With no outright dominant Tier 1 deck, and several competent decks in the mid-to-lower tiers, results can be quite unexpected. In general, however, we will probably see some combination of Mekk-...