074 participants (Mage = 23.37, Female = 67.92%), covering 131 unique experimental techniques that modulate IMs (frequencies, distress and symptoms; for technique coding schema and preregistered analyses, see Fig.2; for literature search and screening PRISMA flowchart...
074 participants (Mage = 23.37, Female = 67.92%), covering 131 unique experimental techniques that modulate IMs (frequencies, distress and symptoms; for technique coding schema and preregistered analyses, see Fig.2; for literature search and screening PRISMA flowchart...
Metabolic potential of the microbial community was determined using METABOLIC [54]. Genome annotation of Gracilibacteria was done using the Genoscope platform MAGE [55]. In-depth metabolic potential was determined by combining the annotation information from MAGE with information from MetaCyc [56], K...
Genome annota- tion of Gracilibacteria was done using the Genoscope platform MAGE [55]. In-depth metabolic potential was determined by combining the annotation information from MAGE with information from MetaCyc [56], KEGG [57], and UniProt [58] (see Table S7 for automatic anno- tation ...