Title Tag(标题标签):虽然严格意义上不是Meta Tag,但它对SEO而言至关重要。它定义了搜索结果中显示的标题,是吸引用户点击的第一印象。Meta Description(描述标签):这是影响用户点击率的又一个关键因素。一个好的描述可以吸引用户点击,同时也有助于提高页面在搜索引擎中的排名。Meta Keywords(关键词标签):...
Find Keyword Ideas in Seconds Boost SEO results with powerful keyword research Free Keyword Research Tool Connor Lahey Connor Lahey is a content strategist with over 10 years of experience in content and SEO. His past roles and responsibilities include directing SEO and content strategy for dozens ...
二,meta标签name变量语法 keywords(关键字)---已经过时 说明:用来告诉搜索引擎 你网页的关键字是什么 <metaname="keywords"content="xxx"> description(简介)---(import) 说明:用来告诉搜索引擎你网站的主要内容 <metaname="description"content="xxx"> robots(机器人向导)---(import) 说明:robots用来告诉搜索机...
现在的网站对SEO越来越重视,有很多公司在做seo优化;换句话说SEO可以给网站主带来利益,做好了SEO,不需要付广告费就可以从搜索引擎带来更多的流量。鉴于此Asp.Net4.0对seo方面做了一些优化工作。1. MetaDescription, MetaKeywords指定页面的meta 描述和关键字标签我们可以在aspx文件的Page指令中指定:...
Meta tags represent the beginning of most SEO training, for better or for worse. I contemplated exactly how to introduce this topic because we always hear about the bad side of meta tags — namely, the keywords meta tag. One of the first things dissected in any site review is the misuse...
关键词meta标签Keywords优化详解 关键字标签"Keywords" 是用来描述一个网页的属性,不过要列出的内容是“ 关键词 ”。这就意味着,要根据网页的主题和内容选择合适的关键词。在选择关键词时,除了要考虑与网页核心内容相关之外,还应该是用户易于通过搜索引擎检索的,过于生僻的词汇不太适合做META标签中的关键词。
What about meta keywords? Meta tags are snippets of code that tell search engines important information about your web page, such as how they should display it in search results. They also tell web browsers how to display it to visitors. Every web page has meta tags, but they’re only vi...
Using Meta Tags for SEO & Search Engine Marketing Meta tags aren’t hard to implement yourself – you don’t really need a programmer, just some experience with HTML. WordStream can help you find your most effective keywords for use in your site’s meta tags – try ourFree Keyword Tool....
Should You Use Meta Keywords? No, you shouldn’t. And here’s why: Meta keywords are an outdated and irrelevant meta tag that has no impact on your rankings inmajor search engineslike Google or Bing. In fact, using them could even hurt yourSEOefforts, as they could be seen as a spam...
<meta name=”keywords” content=”与网站内容相关的关键字” /> 然后对描述做同样的事情 <meta name=”description” content=”网站内容的元描述” /> 使用插件添加标签 通过使用 WordPress 的元标签插件,可以通过简单的按钮按下和点击来完成修改和应用元标签的大部分工作。有些是免费的,有些需要付费,但所有这...