Deck Builder Yu-Gi-Oh! Meta [ March 6th, 2025 ] Shop Updates! Add new, classic "DM Era" theme accessories to your collection! [ March 6th, 2025 ] Advance Notice: Duelist Cup Fight against Duelist from all over the world to become the very best! Loading... Tournament Dkayed Meta...
Yugioh Meta has the best, most competitive information about the TCG/OCG. We post news, decks, tier lists, tournaments, guides, reviews and event reports!
Yugioh Meta has the best, most competitive information about the TCG/OCG. We post news, decks, tier lists, tournaments, guides, reviews and event reports!
For competitive players interested in running a stun deck that can completely lock down the opponent’s board, Eldlich is among the most popular meta deck archetypes in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. This deck is centered around Eldlich the Golden Lord, a powerful Monster Card that can easily move...
Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye② effect, banish itself from graveyard as cost, addSnake-Eye Ashfrom deck to hand, placeDiabellstar the Black Witchfrom graveyard to bottom of deck. This simple opening sets upMoon of the Closed Heavenon field which could then go into Fiendsmith combo, an...
As more players are running Sky Striker,White Howlingis ran in the Side Deck for the mirror match. Salamangreat Kai (戒) went 7-1 and finished 1st in “4th DCS” which had 48 participants. WithSalamangreat GazelleandLady Debugboth limited in the OCG 2019.07 Limit Regulation, he has chos... 译者的话: 上一期的翻译里,Meta大部分时候没做处理,主要是为了展示这个词在语言中的具体用法。这期专门讲对策卡就都翻译了,在这里提前说明一下。 此外,我采用了分级数字编号的方式还原原条目的结构与形式,方便大家查阅。
不过这个现象也可以从侧面说明,2010年~2012年之间的OCG环境的游戏速度慢到可以让“强欲而谦虚之壶”发挥实力,所以这张卡的存在在某种意义上可以大概用来衡量一个环境的游戏速度。 ·与【MetaBEAT】系红线的关系 “强欲而谦虚之壶”所留下的实绩不仅限于泛用抽滤。
由于ocg没有导游和2300,一般会挂狼人或者血石。下级Attacker至少八个=3雷王+3瓜巴+2个兔子没拉出来的... 译者的话: 上一期的翻译里,Meta大部分时候没做处理,主要是为了展示这个词在语言中的具体用法。这期专门讲对策卡就都翻译了,在这里提前说明一下。 此外,我采用了分级数字编号的方式还原原条目的结构与形式,方便大家查阅。