在 Meta,官僚主义其实没有这么强,你可以影响别人,什么事情都可以摊在桌子上谈。在其他公司官僚主义更强的情况下,个人除了跟 manager 搞好关系,做不了太多。如果 L5 不想升职,保 L5 的职位也是可以的。或者是你需要 support,你给我点方向,或者说我觉这对我的 package 影响很大,你一定要对我说,然后他会...
https://www.facebook.com/business/help/support 3、如果有发现客户的BM账户 / 广告或用户账号有被封,认为是误封等可能,请要尽快提交申诉。 雨果提醒:如果BM账户被封超过 180天,这个BM账户就会永久被封了,就算是透过 Meta 内部提交等申诉,也不一定能够再开回来的。 雨果跨境提供Facebook公共主页、Business Mana...
在Meta,官僚主义其实没有这么强,你可以影响别人,什么事情都可以摊在桌子上谈。在其他公司官僚主义更强的情况下,个人除了跟 manager 搞好关系,做不了太多。 如果L5 不想升职,保 L5 的职位也是可以的。或者是你需要 support,你给我点方向,或者说我觉这对我的 package 影响很大,你一定要对我说,然后他会告诉你的...
确保您已登入Meta ads用户 账号,且有权限处理该账号 在Meta ads上的广告投放。您作为登录用户必须 具有在Meta Business Manager中投放所有广告系列的 权限。 进入成本选项卡。 打开获取成本、点击和展示数据开关。 点击f login按钮。您 可以使用Meta ads的business或admin账号 完成登录。 在弹窗提示中选择允许AppsFlyer...
1、前往业务支持中心(Business Support Home)2、选择查看我的账户(View my accounts)3、选择与您的公共主页绑定的业务账户4、选择您想要查看反馈分数的公共主页5、在您的反馈分数下,您可以看到自己的分数您可以经常查看自己公共主页的反馈分数,以确保为客户提供良好的购物体验,同时确保您的广告符合 Meta 的广告发布...
If you find the admin of the business manager who owns your page, ask them to remove the Page from their account. Then, add the Page to your Business Manager. If you can’t find the admin of the Business Manager, you’ll need to provide more documents to Meta’s Support team for a...
Meta has introduced the newer Business Suite as a replacement for the older Business Manager so the platforms aren't intended to be used at the same time. Once Meta gives you access to Business Suite, it's best to start using the newer platform. ...
Whether or not you opt to use one of the creative business apps, you can use Business Suite tools to organize creative assets. Using Business Suite's File Manager helps keep tabs on approved creatives and ensure that everyone on your team is using the right assets. ...
Make sure you are logged into the Meta ads user account, which is enabled to handle the account's campaigns on Meta ads. The user signing in must have permission to run all the campaigns in Meta Business Manager. Go to theCosttab. ...
Customer Support HR Marketing Sales Design Business Dev IT Engineering Operations Product Legal Customer Success Meta Employee Reviews Out of 1225 Meta employee reviews, 81% were positive. The remaining 19% were constructive reviews with the goal of helping Meta improve their work culture. ...